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RE: Skin in the Ring (a decoy poem that's actually a scream)

This is impressive and touches deeply. It reminds me that we are not "alone" as we might think we are, and that we shouldn't let fear cripple us. Because before you look we are gone and there's no coming back.
You've told a story well and captured a scene nicely.
That photo is feminine and gorgeous. I love the lighting and your posture serves its purpose, as well as your body language that depicts the story nicely 🙌

BTW, I'm listening to this song as I respond... Somehow, I think the lyrics coincide with your poem;) (a little bit.)


You saw straight through it, my friend. Not being alone, and doing something that matters before we're gone was precisely the mood. Thank you, I appreciate that! I've been playing around with photography, and wanted something skin-y for this one, so I'm glad it got the mood across.

The song is lovely! Dido's voice is so detached and intimate (I think it works, too!) :D Have a great weekend!