
A sickening feeling,
Creeping over me
Pushing me far away
From healing. Keeping
Me wondering, what I'm
Slowly becoming.
Slowly I feel my heart,
Descending, as I began to
Lose all my feelings.


A feeling I can't, explain
I feel high at times as a crane.
Yearning to love with no restraints,
With a heart that's been tainted.
All along I feel so low, my mind
Taking a bow, why I asked myself,
Reaping what I never sowed.

Times when loving was Something
I did effortlessly and caring was
Never an option. Lost it all, I said to
Myself, realizations had me delving
Deep down, scavenging for answers,
To the questions of my Heart.
How did I grow so cold, to it all.
Becoming a stranger to myself.


Sitting and reminiscing the
Younger days, when the feelings
Was there and i was full of love.
A budding youngster, wishing to
Offer the world, what he had.
Wanting to give out so much love.
How did i grow so cold, to it all.
Becoming a stranger to myself.


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Very cool poem, sometimes we change because of the damage done to us over the years that we get colder and colder even with ourselves but well there will always be opportunities to meet better people that will make us like before, thanks for sharing ♥

Thanks a lot

 3 months ago  

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Thanks a lot.