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RE: green light

in Blockchain Poets2 months ago

I thought about your work yesterday and I have a question: how do the photos relate to your poems.

Love all of these of course. I always do. But this week, #7 says the most to me. How we are educated right out of ourselves, our wild selves, our true selves.


Honestly, the photos have nothing to do with the poems. Sometimes they correlate to each other and sometimes they don’t.

The poems are a reflection of the week I’ve had—where I’ve been, what I’ve seen or imagined, what I’ve thought, etc.—and the photos are a reflection of where I’ve been in the week. Because they both correspond to a week in my life, they are sometimes related, but recently there hasn’t been much overlap.

I’ve had a lot of change in my routine lately, so I didn’t have any pictures for this post. The top shot I purposefully took with the intention of posting, but when Monday came around and I started preparing my weekly post, I realized that I hadn’t taken any other pictures throughout the week and ended up posting the other gin bottle pictures as a subtle way to recommend some interesting craft gins.

Thanks for the explanation. The photos are taken in the week your poems are written, both are fleeting thoughts of your week. Layered, weighty, interwoven glimpses of the things you notice, presented flawlessly - no jarring typos to break my own train of thought. I love your posts.

Thanks. I try to catch all the typos. But sometimes they like to hide in plain sight. 😉