In your eyes


In your eyes, the secrets of love are revealed,
Sweetening my ear with the glory of your intimacy.
I forgot to tell you, my love
That I love you with every fibre of my surrendered soul.
Let me roam your endless universe,
Where my sweet verses are written on your skin,
Moistening it with endless passion and desire.
Rest in my chest, a warm and faithful home.
Let me die and be reborn in your embrace,
Once and a thousand times, proclaiming that I love you,
As no one else will, with devotion and surrender.
You are my sacred fire, my reason for being,
In every surrender, in every kiss and caress,
My love for you, eternal and without measure.

 23 days ago  

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Beautiful poem. This poem just made me want to love. I can feel the emotions in it.