Drunken Light Nights - Psychedelic Senryu

in Blockchain Poets3 years ago (edited)

braden-collum-chzMiHsxQa4-unsplash.jpgPhoto by Braden Collum on Unsplash

City lights stagger

drunk on human endeavor-

beaming at the night.


Have you ever wandered through town so drunk that the city lights blur into an endless wheel of fractured moments? Almost like the thrumming heart of the city's breath has merged with your own; neon lights prescient with the promise of tomorrow as thumping music from bars beats the rhythm of each footfall. The molten moments of today's stresses eaten up by the night, lost in an alcohol fueled forgetting of all that went before, living fiercely for the moment.


It's probably just me then 😂

This senryu/haiku was written based on an old memory from back in my university days that the title picture inspired. At that time I partied - maybe a little too much - most weekends; drinking, dancing and laughing the night away. I have a distinct memory of walking home at the end of one night out and the lights of the city all blurring into a kaleidoscope, much like the title picture.

We had finished the night at an absinthe bar, which possibly explains the odd dream-like hallucinations I experienced. I distinctly recall this strange feeling that the city was alive, breathing in unison with me as I made my way up the hill. This altered state of consciousness seemed to grow in intensity as I approached my home. I was in fits of giggles and vaguely remember finding it incredibly amusing that my apartment building seemed to be wobbling and leaning over me, a little like a disapproving parent shaking their head 🤣

This poem could be strictly considered a Senryu rather than Haiku. To read more about the aesthetics of true haiku, and the difference between haiku and senryu, please check out my article Haiku Vs Senryu - The Aesthetics of Form.

The image used in this post is creative commons license, linked below the picture. If you have enjoyed this Haiku, please check out my my homepage @raj808 for similar content.


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heh this brings back memories. No, it wasn't not just you. I had more than my fair share of the experience you paint above too. Fun memories...

(btw, I had somehow missed your linked article about haiku vs senryu. Very nice! I left a comment there with some info about the Bashō haiku that I thought you might be interested in)

Ha ha, I think we've all been there. And if I'm honest, I still get this drunk very occasionally... maybe once or twice a year 😂

haha yep. Well, not all that often for me or I'll have an angry wife complaining of poor influence on the kids, but drinking is still the preferred way of doing business in Japan, so at these "business meetings" I sometimes drink more than I should. Walking home from those meetings is always fun ;)