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RE: It Wasn't Enough

in Blockchain Poets2 months ago

Physical work is hard on the body, but can be left at the worksite. It is the mental work that comes home, and the work not done that weighs heavy. I changed my approach to "put your head on the pillow knowing you gave the day your all" and it has been far better.


I will have to remember that! I'm able to separate myself from my work a lot more than my wife. She really struggles to shut her mind off when it comes time to go to bed. She has little humans futures at stake though a little more directly than I do.

It isn't just the separation, it is the "knowing" that more could have been done, that wasn't. This might be more an issue for me, as I am a serial procrastinator. :)

I don't envy Mrs Bozz.

Ah yeah, I get what you are saying.