

The pain of my ancestors,
it calls from a far.
I trace out the scars,
that are carved upon the earth,
The ley lines of old,
where our power merges,
The scattering of bones,
as the darkness approaches.

Deep within the shadows,
our truth resides,
Fragmented memories,
that hold our fears,
at knife point.
We race,
to disguise our suffering,
to dress it up as awareness,
Extinguishing the final light
That will lead us
towards true happiness.

We fall into line,
Our steps drain us of life,
as we cast our identities aside.
Is this our destiny,
to poison our own minds
Our consumption drowning us,
As we play along with their games.

The pain of my ancestors,
It calls from a far,
And I stand,
My head hung in shame.




Hi there, just dropping in to read your poem and to ask how you're doing; I hope you're ok.

Hi @galenkp, thanks for reaching out. I'm going through quite a process at the moment, giving voice to certain things that challenge and upset me, so that hopefully I can let them go. Xxx

I thought as much hence my comment. There wasn't much in it really, just a hope you're moving forward type vibe and sometimes that's all it needs to be.

Very heartfelt verses denoting the internal struggle between being. Path of life along a path marked with thorns to reach the end of an illumination. Perhaps we are better or worse each one assimilates according to their ancestral pattern.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

The pains of the past are unimaginable. They feel our hearts with mourn for a lost world. And our ancestors lived in those eras when scars lived while we live here.

Very heartfelt poem, I think that pain is part of our process as people and living beings that we are, since the world and the world has always been pain, but well that topic is for another post, our ancestors left their mark on the world and we who are in this present must leave our mark so that our legacy never dies, I hope you are very well @trucklife-family Abrazo ♥

Sometimes we carry a lot of the weight of our ancestors on our shoulders, it would be great to just take the good and transform the bad, so as not to repeat cycles and not feel ashamed. These verses are beautiful and deep @trucklife-family

If you can, you peek into the vegan community, you are part of this week's selection of The Best Vegan Lion

Indeed it's so easy to lose ourselves in this society and no matter how much we try to fight it it seems inevitable. Gotta keep trying tho. Loved the flow.


Deep within the shadows,
our truth resides,
Fragmented memories,
that hold our fears,
at knife point.

Very poignant, pun intended.