Different Strokes , Different Folks.

in Blockchain Poets10 months ago

if you can't spread your wings
spread your tentacles
be blind to the unnecessary
but be found where grace resides


time flies I know
the major task is trying to keep up
not with the frivolities
but with it's realities


I've got a little light
now I avoid every bushels
desperately want to be seen
not in any way hidden
to give up is surely forbidden
don't want to get my heart trodden

bet you've never seen this side of me
ever heard of alter egos
that best defines your imagination
for life is about perspectives
your six is my nine
it is just what it is it's not delusion


embracing the double sides of a coin
unveiling the shades that life has been.
wings and tentacles, sixes and nines,
in this symphony of existence, our truth exists and shines