in Blockchain Poets10 months ago

I'll shoot my shot even if it misses the bull's eye
it is the courage that matters
for this holding back I'm knackered
for my quest for success is agitated
like protesters with placards


I'll shoot my shot even if it doesn't kill two birds at a time


at least no one has ever died by trying
afterall with every cloud comes a silver lining
starving the distractions for a perfect landing

I'll shoot my shot even if it hits the bar
an attempt at goal is not below par


will I keep trying? oh yeah I want to be a star
so that I won't be forgotten like a scar
it is the 20/20 vision for me
as I'm sitted but I can still see far
thanks to the liquor and reefer
for this is the life I chose
please don't cry me a river

keen to always listen don't blame me for being mute
for the profanity I try to refute


Keep trying and shooting and attempting! Things change. Nothing stays the same for long. Stay in the game and that will increase the probability of eventual success!

Thanks for the encouragement 🙏 it goes a long way .. Stay Winning!!

There's indeed no harm in trying. Sometimes, it's better to accept the consequences rather than regret not taking the risk. :)