The Dance Of Dreams And Realities.

In the realm of dreams, where fantasies soar,
Lies a world untouched, where desires explore.
An embroidery woven with colors unseen,
Where realities fade, and illusions convene.


In dreams, we chase castles that touch the sky,
Where our hearts flutter, and doubts bid goodbye.
With boundless imagination, we dare to believe,
That anything is possible, if we just conceive.


But dreams, my dear, are ethereal and light,
They dance in our minds, taking flight.
For when the sun rises and morn paints the skies,
Reality awakens, unveiling its guise.

In the realm of reality, where truth resides,
We face the challenges that life provides.
We toil and strive, with both joy and strife,
Nurturing seeds of dreams, bringing them to life.


The path is not easy, obstacles abound,
Yet, with unwavering spirit, we can be renowned.
For dreams become real through effort and will,
A journey of passion, we ardently fulfill.

In the union of dreams and reality's touch,
We find a balance that means so much.
For dreams inspire, they ignite the flame,
Guiding us forward, whatever life may claim.

So hold onto your dreams, let them guide your way,
But embrace the real, where growth holds sway.
With feet on the ground and dreams in our heart,
We bridge the divide, creating our own art.


Dreams and realities, intertwined as one,
Weaving a tapestry that can never be undone.
In this dance of existence, we learn and we grow,
For dreams and realities, both help us to soar .


So therefore know the depth of your souls,
the heights we will reach,
Combine the dreams and the lessons life teaches.
Embrace your dreams, chase them with might and vigour
For dreams and realities together ignite when they dance together.


I must say that I have loved your verses expressed with the ink of the heart and feeling. The beauty lies in each verse accompanied by overflowing talent.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day

I do agree that one's will toward one's dream will help make the dream a reality. It is like going for the unimaginable world with a determined mind. It births the unimaginable world.

Exactly! There's no smoke without fire !!

Great, I loved this poem and I can say with all certainty that it inspires me to keep fighting for the dreams and goals that I hope to accomplish very soon, it is very exciting as you read it, it motivates the reader to fight but always with feet on the ground, beautiful poem ♥

This poem is beautiful centered around our imagination, how powerful a world it can be crafted from our realms of dream.
Great one here