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RE: 'Member Linksys Routers?

in Member Berries3 years ago

Yeah I remember LINKSYS. I remember the first time I got one I was a little confused about setting up the DHCP tables. I was also amazed that there was a hardwired web server inside. I still have all my old ones sitting collecting dust, not sure what happened but the new apple routers came out. Now Apple doesn't even make them any more so I got a new router from Amazon, and another one that resembles the old Linksys, with antennas. lol


Yeah, I was on the Apple Airport bandwagon, mainly because of Time Machine. Now, I just use ARQ for backups, mostly. It's especially good to pair ARQ with Amazon Prime because the storage is included.

I use a external hard drive for time machine. Not familiar with ARQ gota check it out since I have Prime.

Yeah I got the old one collecting dust somewhere too and the new one with the antennas. 🤣🤣🤣