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RE: Doctors Can Google The Same Subject But Look For Different Things

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

There hasn't been a long term solution to this recurring problem. Departments being out of touch with how the other operates. Initiatives like the ones you mentioned are often met with soft resistance like yeah we know but we're going to forget about it months down the road. Attending inter-department meetings attempt to solve this but it just ends up imposing more rules rather than having an understanding why those rules exist.

It's been a roller coaster on the management side lately. Being short on manpower, our department is being eyed as the human resource they need to man the ER triage because every department has to pitch in with the schedule and we got a free pass due to the nature of our work. The gist of the argument is, while we can man those positions (except for Surgery), our own department's work can't be replaced. IM, Pedia, Family Med, and some of the OB-Gyne work can be delegated to us as we got basic training to man the wards as part of the license.

While the opposite can't be expected if we were to ask them to cover for us when reading slides, cutting up specimens, and etc. It's a multifactorial problem and blaming another department in training is way better than actually putting the spotlight on the admin. Going to make a separate post about how our department is now the most disliked and lazy department just cause we do the background work and not the typical frontliners manning the wards.