
I am so sorry but you don't be worry. You need not to know the proof of the formulla.You just need to know the formulla as follows. We never ask in school why π = 22/7 haha

You need just following formulla(e)
∆= sinA×sinB×c
or ∆=sinB×sinC×a
or ∆= sinC×sinA×b.

Here ∆= area of the triangle and small a,b,c are opposite sides of the ∠A,∠B & ∠C respectively. If two angles and side between given , use the formulla and you got the area.

Next time there will be an alzebra for you😃😃 as you like it.

Thank you very much for visiting dude.

Thank you, @meta007! This is great! Looking forward to your algebra content! 👍