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RE: Python Libraries: Show DTube Abuser Rewards

in STEMGeekslast year

lol ya hive doesnt grow on trees, its magically printed through inflation every half a second

its like its even better than growing on trees

if you really want to make hive valuable you turn off all onflation and see hw well it does with people having to avtually create content worthy of payong advertisers/ hive engine investors/ donators.

if live streamers on twitch can make money with people just giving it to them with 0 reward ...why cant hive ? i know we hve vimm but its like i dunno man when will hive ever have something people ever want to use?

i say fork hive...they forked steem didnt them? one iteration is never enough...evolution demands another version ...and another and so on... and start over take away whale stake and redistribute it as non sellable delegation to large social mrdia influencers and u need a system for acckunts that uses a instagram reddit andbtwitter tip bot tjatbgors around reeerving accounts for large legacy influencers

thats the onky way fkr people to care i think