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RE: Why the Survival of the Early Man is not a Big Deal

in STEMGeeks2 years ago

How? I said they didn't prioritize sex but it was part of their lives. How is saying it was part of their lives still me saying it was a priority?

You wouldn't be incorporating an activity that improves survival if it isn't a priority to your daily routine.

Also why are you talking about sex like it was all about a female selecting? Why are you not considering the fact that men also force their way?

I didn't say it was all about female selection for potential mating. Quote me what part did I specifically mention it was all about female selection for potential mating? and why did you assume I am not considering "fact that men also force their way?"? I could but I don't think using that argument helps my point.

what do you have to say about them?

That the article is a click-bait and an exaggeration.

Since you get the point do you agree or disagree with it? Even if you say it was secondary priority does that mean it still isn't MVP?

I disagree with the article being sex as a real MVP as what it claims and our conversation further convinced me it is.