3 Fun Facts in Math! (Intermediate Level) - Trivia Tuesday #8

in STEMGeeks6 months ago

Trivia Tuesday is a series in which I choose a topic, and provide Fun Facts or Interesting Trivia about it. This time the topic, for the third time, is Math. Here you go:

Math Trivia: Intermediate Level

1. The Millennium Prize Problems

A list of seven unsolved mathematical problems proposed by Clay Mathematics Institute in the year 2000. These are challenging and important problems. Solving them will have a great impact on our understanding of mathematics, and improve on multiple fields.

According to Wikipedia,, only one of these problems has been solved so far.

I remember when I first learned of the Millennium Prize Problems. I ignorantly thought I had the chance at solving one of them. I quickly realized I didn't even understand the questions themselves.

2. Chaos Theory

A study of mathematical equations that are highly sensitive to initial parameters, leading to unpredictable outcomes.

Chaos Theory is the mathematical equivalent to the concept of the Butterfly Effect. A small change in data leads to massive outcomes! You might hear this term mentioned in Time Travel stories.

3. Euler's Identity

One of the most beautiful equations in mathematics:

e(iπ) + 1 = 0

The equation demonstrates a beautiful harmony between five of the most important numbers in mathematics. (e), (i), (π), (1), and (0).

I think this equation is elegant as well... I wonder what field it's used in though. Or is it only used in pure mathematics?

What Do You Think?

This post is late. I tried to make it for two weeks but I didn't like the result when I wrote it. I tried to post it yesterday, but I accidentally deleted part of it and felt too drained to write it back. Luckily, I managed to finish it and publish it on Wednesday. Only a day later.~

The Math posts are written after chatting with ChatGPT and learning from it. Especially the Euler Identity bit, ChatGPT seems to love it.

Next time, I'll probably do something different for the next #triviatuesday. If you have an idea for the next Trivia Tuesday's Topic, suggest it in a comment below.

Thanks for Reading

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As an upcoming engineer in my 3rd year of study...

Surprised I haven't given up yet🤣🤣

...the only one I've heard of out of any of these problems is the Chaos Theory, and I didn't even see it anything related to my course😂

Well, I never had Chaos Theory in any of my courses either... The millennium problems are so advanced that they probably won't mention them except maybe in PhD in Math.

As for Euler's identity, I never heard of it before this but it made sense. We're familiar with all its components.

Yep, that we are about the Euler's identity.

What is it used to solve? Or identify.

Or is it just an equation that can be used to find the value of with e,π or i

The thing is, all of these are known numbers:

  • e = 2.71828~...
  • π = 3.1415~...
  • i = √ -1

So using the equation you can find one of them if you have the others, but it doesn't make sense to find them through this equation instead of simpler equations.


I'm not sure... Just asked ChatGPT and it gave me a long list of fields it affects inlcuding Physics, Engineering and Quantum Mechanics... It doesn't tell how it's used though.

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