Why do plants grow?

in STEMGeeks9 months ago (edited)
The deficiency of any of the nutritional elements necessary for the development of a plant, even if all the others are found in adequate quantities limits the yield, development and production in a crop; this is known as the law of the minimum, this law establishes that the production of a crop is in direct relation to the element that is in the smallest amount available to the plant, it can be in the soil or in the solution prepared for a hydroponic culture. In other words, if I prepare a solution that according to my analysis that was carried out in a field is the ideal one with its concentration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, potassium and Magnesium, but I did not take into account that the plant also needs minor elements and for some reason there is no availability of one of these in the soil, the absorption chain is broken and as a result we have a lower production than due.

There is something that human beings cannot know exactly, we refer to the secret of life, although progress is constantly being generated in the biological sciences, which allows obtaining and increasing knowledge referring in this case to plant breeding. Which is no longer a set of techniques for obtaining plant products useful to man. Growing plants are real factories that transform raw materials such as air, sunlight, water and others into their own vegetative parts such as roots, stems, leaves and flowers, essential for obtaining fruits.

In the same vein, some researchers point out that the growth of plants depends mainly on the formulation of protoplasm, the protoplasm according to the portal función.info , the academic knowledge and literature review carried out is a proteinaceous substance, consisting mainly of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur; the first three come from sugars resulting from photosynthesis, sulfur and nitrogen mostly come from the soil. None of this can be done by the plant without being properly fed, nutrition consists of giving the plant the necessary substances so that in its leaves it manufactures food so that it can live, remember that leaves are the food factory.

There are 18 nutritional elements considered essential for the growth of most plants, these are divided into:

- Macro nutrients (elements that require them in greater quantities) Carbon (c), Hydrogen (h), Oxygen (o), Nitrogen (n), Phosphorus (p), Potassium (k), Calcium (Ca), Sulphur(s), Magnesium. (Mg)

- Micro nutrients (elements that require them in smaller quantities) They are required by the plant, but in minimal quantities, but they are a bridge for the absorption of macro nutrients. These are Iron (Fe), Boron (B), Molybdenum (Mo), Chlorine (Cl.), Zinc (Zn), Silica (Si), Manganese (Mn), Copper (Co).

The deficiency of an element makes it impossible for the plant to complete its vegetative or reproductive state 100%. The symptoms of deficiency of an element can only be corrected or prevented by applying said element and we can realize the deficiency visually or with a check-up in the laboratory.

Final considerations
Dear readers, in this publication it can be evidenced in a very cursory way how nutrients are fundamental, either macro or micro nutrients taking into account that it can affect their good performance, in the same way we can see how through photosynthesis substances are generated that are part of the protoplasm that is also important for the growth of silver. In future publications we will describe each of the macro and micro nutrients and the function they fulfill in the physiological system of plants.

Bibliographic references
  • Función.info

  • Parker, R. (2000). The science of plants. Thomson editores spain. Madrid: Spain.


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