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RE: Covid in the Fall

in STEMGeeks4 years ago

I wonder if we'll actually learn from it though. The decision making process world-wide was panic based, rather than well thought out. It seems a tad bit ridiculous that we were on lockdown when the virus had low numbers and then after many months of spread, lockdown was released and we're only worse.

If the lockdown period was suppose to lead to better understanding of the virus, then it was a total failure.

In the event of another outbreak, probably like 100 years from now, humans will still resort to panic first, rather than actually go through a well thought out approach. It is just human nature to fuck shit up

 4 years ago  

If the lockdown period was suppose to lead to better understanding of the virus, then it was a total failure.

Yup, I totally agree with your sentiments.

I agree, that's why I hate it when people say "follow the science." I am very pro-science, but I also understand that following science requires rational thought, and you can not think rationally when panicking.