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RE: Big Sur’s Apple is Not the Apple of Yesterday: Major Privacy Breach in New Apple Operating System [UPDATED]

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

Big changes tend to brake things, dont think it will hurt then so much, if you look to the right got microsoft full of bugs and backdoors exploit by goverments and to your left is unix where the weak link is the user not the OS so really dont think this will hurt them so much, I dont own a mac btw, great post


To be honest, this fits in Apple’s security approach known from iOS... the walled garden. If it’s Apple’s intention to bring the same approach to its larger devices... it’s evolutionary. Apple has made installing unsigned software harder and harder over the years. I can see how they will justify it: “we care about your security”.

But creating a whole new API for it, not accessible by other apps, is not “break things”. It is not just sneaky but evil.


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