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RE: Covid in the Fall

in STEMGeeks4 years ago

We've been running slim on hospital space in Idaho. The governor just re-implemented restrictions. It's pretty unpopular with some popular politicians, but I think it's the right move. People will get sick. I don't think stopping the spread is a worthwhile goal, but having somewhere to go when you get sick is worthy. We can do it easy enough - I suspect most people would be decent about it and help, but something about being told they must be decent really pisses them off and they act with complete disregard for their fellow man. Give them a wide berth and move on. Assholes gonna asshole.

We haven't even had any of the "lockdown" type scenarios that may have been required in more densely populated areas. People just hear about it on twitter and want to go cough on others to gain a feeling of righteousness. It's insane

They claim it's in protest to "tyranny" but these same people aren't out stripping on the sidewalks to protest nudity laws. They aren't picking the locks on schools to exercise their freedom of assembly. They aren't clear-cutting the forests. They aren't strip-mining mountains into valleys. Something about disease must really get their goat

 4 years ago  

Yeah, given some people’s mentality, it’s not possible to stop the spread.