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RE: Python Libraries: Show DTube Abuser Rewards

in STEMGeekslast year

If everyone got together and downvoted these dtube scammers to return the rewards to the pool there would be more for everyone...but, as usual, it's left to a few of us to hang our balls out there and make it happen. What we do, many will never know slobs, but I'm content with that, and about doing my bit for the community in general by smashing these asshole's rewards.


but, as usual, it's left to a few of us to hang our balls out there and make it happen. What we do, many will never know slobs

I know, it's been like that for years. I got pulled into anti-abuse early in my 'career' around July 2018 and have been doing it since. In those days there was no separate DV pool, remember that?

Yeah, I recall about the DV pool...It's a little better now, but the fight still continues huh?