Denouncing plagiarism, fake news and dangerous behavious (lifes at risk)

in STEMGeeks3 years ago (edited)

The tinfoil hat bots are here on Hive again, I have just found two posts where they POST THE EXACT SAME TEXT IN DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS.

If you could help me by downvoting them, and asking other people to downvote.

Plagiarism is unhealthy, and spreading misinformation about health is deadly.

The posts are:

(Post number one)

(Post two)

Both can be found by searching, same title, same content different accounts.

Both have the same title and content, but from different accounts. I appreciate the help on keeping Hive clean by opening each one of those two, downvoting with all your power, and asking other people to help. We need disincentives for such behaviours.

Plagiarism must be hunted down, and so are bots.
In science I trust, after all, blockchains are made by computer scientists.


Those two links are exactly the same. This is not a fake account. We don't need to start downvoting this user, I know who this is. Have you even looked at their Hive-based front end ? We don't need downvoting campaigns, leave this user alone. The Dollar Vigilante is the user who told me about Steem/HIVE in the first place back in 2016 so I am thankful for all their content. Did you watch the video at even? I need more evidence you think this is some plagarism bot. There are plenty of accounts that are very helpful, this account is for a channel. In fact they are using Hive video as a platform for journalists that have been censored on other platforms. Read about what The Dollar Vigilante TV is . It is not plagiarism to repost your own content. Plagiarism is stealing someone elses content and claiming it to be your own. That is not what this is, unless you have some evidence. All I see is that you posted the same link twice.

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That was what I saw. It made no sense to me as I was comparing the two links...makes me want to DV this guy...but I will hold back...

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Mistake on my ctrl+c and ctrl+v
Search the titles of the posts.

(The other one)

(This one)

Both can be found by searching, same title, same content different accounts.

I put a comment on both. I don't know who is copying whom. I know there are time stamps, but I'm too new to know how to find them. Thanks for posting both links this time.

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Thank you for the information, but it was a problem on my ctrl+c ctrl+v

The posts are

(The other one)

(This one)

Both can be found by searching, same title, same content different accounts.

But I am reading about that dollarvigilante you told me about

Meet Max Igan , as I said we don't need downvote campaigns.

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Cara, talvez seja o caso de você verificar os links como o pessoal disse nos outros comentários, de qualquer forma, recomendaria evitar entrar nessa Seara, infelizmente tem uma galera forte com essas ideias, e podem levar sua conta ao -1... digo por experiência própria que pouca coisa vem de bom em mexer nisso. E pode também te atrapalhar em algumas tribos...

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Obrigado, eu sei e já o estrago.

Apenas uma errata, os links estão erradas, falha no meu control c e control v, agora não posso editar mais o artigo original, o frontend não permite, mas:

O outro artigo

O que eu colei duas vezes por acidente

Encontrei o mesmo nessas duas contas diferentes copiando e pesquisando o título e vi que o nome e título eram idênticos em contas diferentes

Pelo que entendi a dolar tv está replicando a do max alguma coisa. Entendo sua visão sobre o conteúdo, mas é o que disse, enfim, se quiser manter tudo bem também, as vezes o risco faz parte....

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Maybe sharing this with Hivewatchers will bring a solution(?

This is a misunderstanding, as tdvtv is a platform for video sharing that is hosted on Hive. MaxIgan is the user who is in the video, so there is no problem with his post of the content. tdvtv is a platform, and as I said before, I know this user, he is the one who introduced me to Steem/Hive in 2016. This is unnecessary.

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