
Oh interesting, I did not know what it was until I looked it up. Looks like its a multi-coin mining pool. Reminds me of

The fees are pretty high, in the 4 percent range. I pay 1% so seems like alot. But I guess they make it really easy to mine. Stick with it if you want to keep it simple, but you can find better pools with lower fees out there.

Doge and Shib are purely meme coins at the moment. I sold all my Doge during the first big pump. I stay away from Shib.

Litecoin is a great coin for making transfers between exchanges, low fees and very safe to use. LTC is an oldie but goodie.

Monero is an old privacy coin, but it has alot of network effect. I have read some articles questioning its security. So I only mine it and sell my profits. My favorite privacy coin is Horizen (ZEN).

Great insight. I will √ into ZEN. Yes the Meme Alts are good for a short term pump.

I mined Tube a year or so back before it went to the cuckaroo algo. Great platform BitTube. It just has never gotten any support. I have 13,000 plus in a sell order should they ever see a bump.