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RE: Adenocarcinoma vs Reactive Mesothelial Cells

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

Obviously you have a huge amount of responsibility as what you're doing is making a judgement called based on your knowledge, experience and the following of procedure. How do you deal with the fact that at some point, it's highly likely you'll make a mistake? It's a lot of responsibility to bear, do you ever think about it and how do you cope?


We just do what we can and document it. When unsure, we do pass around the case to solicit some inputs from colleagues and document that it was done. This saves some costs from the patient's part than spending extra to have it looked by another pathologist officially when they can have it done for free while the case is still pending for sign out. Most of the time, it's an out of sight out of mind that once the case has been signed out and benign, 9/10 it won't come back to bite you. The other cases would just be a curve ball to mind and you got to deal with it on a case to case bases.

It's better than having to personally talk to patients and deal with the emotional baggage when making the call. I'm a doctor but I'm not really in touch with the social functions that come with it. I leave that part to clinicians most of the time.

Thanks for that, I love the insights and background as much as the upfront factualities! Really interesting. Best wishes to you :-)