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RE: Help!

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

Very cool! Thank you for the input! So someone that is invested across the platform and staked in everything he can would have a decent chance or no? Would it take years to get anywhere? I know there is a benefit to being a witness, but is there any benefit to running the RPC node other than helping the community in general? If you are far down the Witness chain, are those the guys that have not found blocks in years? I mean, that is a longgggggg time. Or are they people that stopped doing it?


There is no momentary benefit to running an RPC node.
The ones one the bottom of the witness lists are disabled so they are no longer an active witness.

Ok cool, so if I stay active in the community and keep my node running smooth, then I am good for the most part? I mean, obviously, there are many that have been here a long time, and I am no tech guru, but I do have hardware and a connection and time...