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RE: Python Libraries: Show DTube Abuser Rewards

in STEMGeekslast year

I have a conscious and do feel that I am denying someone from a poor country some easy money, but then I have to tell myself that I earned my stake by hard work and buying it with 'that real money'. While I don't begrudge anyone new starting up, what they produce needs to have worth.

Spot on.


dude they downvote peoppe for much less

why isnt steemcleaners anilihating this guys downvotes? oh yeah cuz theyd have to right another whwle affount and they eont like pucking on people their own size

i guess heimindanger / dtube coule do serious damage by purposefully upvoting spam lol

but good...hell force hive to enact new frint end moderation protocals and improve hive by forcing it to adaot nd have an actual moderation system from now on

(btw my typos? simple way tonprove im human)

no way ai fan replifate this