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RE: Getting started with Hive app development

in STEMGeeks3 years ago

Typescript is Javascript + types, so the code itself is Javascript and you have an additional syntax for declaring types. It's also recommended to add ESLint into the mix.

For example this JS code:

Would be come this in Typescript:
~~~ embed:328a0e93005dabf0d015819bc9c13840 gist metadata:cXVvY2h1eS8zMjhhMGU5MzAwNWRhYmYwZDAxNTgxOWJjOWMxMzg0MA== ~~~

Or this in JS:

Becomes this in TS:
~~~ embed:5b95ba862fb6dc5d534b0c8a1c0658af gist metadata:cXVvY2h1eS81Yjk1YmE4NjJmYjZkYzVkNTM0YjBjOGExYzA2NThhZg== ~~~