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RE: Python Libraries: The Random Splash Voter

in STEMGeeks2 years ago

All fun stuff. I expect some of the code could be made more 'Pythonic'. There are ways to process lists and dictionaries without resorting to a loop, but if it ain't broke...

We can do so much with the beem library. I am looking into other possibilities. I would like to get it running on a Raspberry Pi. I installed it, but got an error as soon as I imported it into a script. I need to look into that some more.


I tried many ways to search the list (that looks like a dictionary). The 'in' command is the easiest and works, but does not find the value. It was a case of what does work in the end. I'm a VB coder, so expect my style to be of that vein.

The Pi does seem a good option to run a script on 24 hours.