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RE: Ever wondered how a car GPS works?

in STEMGeeks2 years ago

GPS is indeed a very useful technology that we can employ on our vehicles against carnappers.

In my country, this kinds of technology being found at cars is rare. A lot of cars are too old (20 ~ 30 years +) and most owners don't even bothered installing GPS on them.

I had this cousin-in-law who bought a vehicle for the purpose of renting it. One time, a group of ladies rented with the intention of making money out of it. Good thing that the was equipped with custom GPS. They managed to track down the location of the vehicle and arrested the one selling it.

What is unfortunate is, the carnappers are professional in their work and the one that was caught was just an underling. If they had disassembled the car and sold it by parts then they would have not tracked it down.

Thanks for sharing.



Wow I am happy they were able to track those carnappers, every car should have a Gps installed in it, it sometimes serves as the salvation of the car owner just like in the case of your cousin

They did but was not able to arrest the leader. I am guessing that they will also learn from the incident and would check cars that they would steal for GPS trackers.