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RE: How to install RetroPie and play over 10,000 Retro Games

in STEMGeeks4 years ago (edited)

I use 16GB on the RetroPie's typically, just cause I had some SD cards lying around and that gets the most popular roms (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, GameBoy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, Coleco, Atari 2600 & 7800, Amiga, Commodore 64, Mega Drive (Sega), NeoGeo) and that take about 10GB. Roms are tiny, but when you are talking tens of thousands of them, they add up.

There are a few good touchscreen options with the official touchscreen or third party that include good enclosures unless you are trying to go portable (battery will be a big issue).



I have the official touchscreen and the Smartipi case, plus the mega battery you suggested. And I hope to just use a PS4 controller.