Ragusa part 1: the sun, the sea and the food

in Pinmapple3 years ago (edited)

Ragusa - Sicily


Hello Hivers,
today I want to share an other business trip I did recently. I know that it seems like my work consists mostly in going and visiting cities 😂, but I can assure you that that is only a small portion of it (although a quite enjoyable one 😉).

As I was saying, a few months ago I had to go for work in Sicily two times, and in particular in the beautiful Ragusa. In this post I will tell you about the first trip.

We arrived in the Catania airport on Sunday morning since we decided to book a flight that left from Bologna at 6.00 in the morning. Of course being the day before a Saturday, and being us in Bologna we decided to have a party with some friends and in this way I did not sleep even a bit and arrived at the airport in pretty bad conditions 😂.

At least I was able to sleep a few hours on the plane.

In Catania we took a rented car (a Fiat Jeep actually) and with that we drove to Ragusa for almost 2 hours. We arrived to our hotel, left our staff and we headed directly to the sea ⛱ in Marina di Ragusa.

And as we expected the view was amazing: sand, sun and a marvelous water.



Also some sand art performed by local artists.


But apart from this, there is also something else for which Sicily is quite famous: its food 😍!!!


The beautiful view from a local restaurants on the seaside


A tuna tartare with quail eggs


A sea version of Carbonara


A beautiful combination of cruditè


Two appetizers: salmon and anchovies


Fried vegetables, with caramelized onions on top and mustard cream as a side


Lamb, onions and a side cream (I don't remember of what it was made)


A sweet dessert with three different layers of Modica chocolate (too good, really)

I live in Ravenna, which is a city near the sea, and I love it. I believe that getting out at work during summer at 17.00 and going directly to the sea with your friends is one of the best sensations that one can try. And here in Ragusa is the same, after finishing work you can go straight to the beach. But I know several people that decide to stay later at work in order to make some more money and lose all this experiences. I think that money of course is an important part of life, but we must realize that money is a mean to achieve something, not our final goal.


Being able to chill on a bar that overlooks on the sea during sunset, with a drink in your hand is something that really has no price.
Do you agree with me?

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➡️ hive.blog/@aurzeq ⬅️



Graaande!!!! Ragusa TOP

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