In the middle of nature I found the Loringiano Museum 📷 Malaga - Spain

in Worldmappinlast month


Nature is the greatest work of art that exists, what better than nature to show us the beauty that exists in the world.



On this occasion, exploring one of the parts of the Botanical Garden I came across a construction in the middle of all that natural beauty.



A large number of signs pointed out very important and illustrious people from history, from politicians, royalty, artists and others.






And all these signs led me to a small building of great antiquity.



According to the sign at the entrance, it was the Loringian Museum.

I didn't expect to find so many historical details about it, but there they were.

It is a Doric style building that belonged to the Marquises of the House of Loring.



This couple, as if by chance, found a very important archaeological piece. It was the Lex Flavia Malacitana, made in two large bronze pieces, approximately in the year 80 of our era. It is the legislative code of the Roman town councils of that time.


This belongs to the Roman period in Malaga and later this piece was very important at a European level.

The Marquises thus began with a large collection of archaeological pieces, according to the signs on the place I visited.

The pieces have been found through various excavations and not only in Malaga but also in nearby villages such as Cártama and other more distant areas such as Córdoba and Cádiz.







Looking around the museum I noticed that many of the crystals quoting and showing the illustrious characters made reference to the Marquises and their life and history. Everything was written there. Every detail of that very important story about the archaeology of the place.

This is how the Marquises decided to acquire this large piece of land, which later became the Botanical Garden, and within it they created this museum in order to keep all the works of art and archaeological artefacts that they acquired and found there.

These were acquired by the couple during the second half of the 19th century and after their death, they were distributed to many places, but the largest of them is the Museum of the Customs of Malaga.

Several of these valuable pieces can be found there. Others have been auctioned, sold, and unfortunately some were lost, as the estate passed into the hands of another family.

But also many of these pieces were lost when the Civil War broke out and were never recovered.




Fortunately most of them are in the Museum of Malaga, most of which were properly restored, for example, La Dama de Alcazaba.




One of the most important pieces in the collection was a Roman mosaic called The Feats of Hercules. It had large dimensions so the original is not in this place right now, but there is a small-scale reproduction.

There were also many Roman sculptures, prehistoric pieces from different cultures and countries.





The Marquises also built up a large library with writings and books from Malaga of the time, the manuscripts of which were unpublished. The Marquise Amalia Heredia took great care of this marvellous garden and the great archaeological collection.

As I mentioned, many illustrious people, some of whom are shown on these glass posters, visited the installations to enjoy the exhibitions that were held there and, I suppose, also the beauty of the garden.



Various shows, dances, get-togethers and meetings were held there.

Marquis Jorge was an engineer and a businessman, an important part of the industrial development of the city through the railway.

He carried out great humanitarian work at the time of the cholera epidemic and for this reason he was given the title of Marquis of Casa Loring.

A friend of the Marquises, Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga, who was a lawyer and renowned scholar, also collaborated in the formation of this great collection.



This small building finally contained a lot of art and archaeology inside and I was pleasantly surprised.



The Marquises pulled these valuable pieces and for me it was a great discovery to find this place of art in the middle of so much nature.

Best regards to all of you and see you next time.

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[//]:# (!pinmapple 36.76035 lat -4.42630 long In the middle of nature I found the Loringiano Museum 📷 Malaga - Spain d3scr)

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Thank you so much @pinmapple ❤️

This place that you have visited is natural and prices, what a joy that you found this beautiful building, which from the outside does not seem so big, it is incredible that you have been able to see so many things inside this museum @avdesing

It's small and the works are now elsewhere, but it was great to learn more about the history. Thank you very much @miprimerconcurso ❤️

What a curious surprise. I thought it was a nice place for a leisurely stroll, will there be photos of the inside of the building? Or are they the ones you see and it is that tiny inside?

A hug @avdesing

What you see is only what is there, today the works are scattered in different places, especially in the Customs Museum. Soon I will go to visit that part!

Good evening!

Buenas noches @avdesing

I look forward to seeing what you bring us; good night!!!!

How are you dear friend @avdesing good afternoon
How beautiful this botanical garden is, it is incredible that you have found the Loringian Museum inside there.
What a beautiful building, I love its style and architecture.
What beautiful photographs, I appreciate you sharing with us.
have a beautiful night

When I saw the construction I just went there and it is beautiful, small but beautiful. Thank you very much @jlufer ❤️

Good evening!

The birds hid because they were very shy... ufa haha 😂

This Botanical Garden is similar to the one here, it has prehistoric pieces, an open-air museum and lots and lots of nature 😍

Very beautiful and peaceful 🍁

You couldn't see the birds but you could hear them! Thank you very much Yami!❤️

Oh wow, this Botanical Garden looks like a perfect shelter for a walk on a warm summer day. Love all that greenery and then you can even enjoy a surprise - a museum and a lot of history! If I ever come back to Malaga then I should visit it 😉

You can't miss it, this is just a little bit, a small part of the 29 hectares of garden. It took me 8 hours to walk through it! It is the biggest wonder I have ever seen! Thanks @mipiano!❤️

It took me 8 hours to walk through it!

So I should book a few days in Malaga 😂 to see everything around

When my mother saw it for the first time she said... this is paradise! That tells you everything!

You have no idea how my legs looked... they still hurt!

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Thank you @hivebuzz ❤️

Keep up the fantastic work @avdesing! Your dedication and hard work will pay off when you reach your target.

Keep up the good work!

What a nice surprise, you enjoyed in one place three things that I love. Art, nature and architecture. Great.

And there is still a long way to go! There are 29 hectares, let's see what I can find! Thank you very much!❤️

That's a great place. The design of the exhibition is unique in the middle of this natural place.


I have never seen anything like it, with so much light and green. Thank you!

definitivamente visitas unos lugares, que provoca conocer personalmente, me encantan los museos, y más aún cuando están rodeados de naturaleza.

Este en particular me apasiona, creo que me queda por ir unas 3 veces m{as jajaja es muy grande!

llévame un día que vayas otra vez, jajajaja

Bueno por ahora te llevo con fotos... quedamos la semana que viene, dale?🤣