What's Better Than An Orchid? Like A Million Of Them .. Of Course!

in Pinmapple2 years ago (edited)

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It Was Saturday Morning ..

And the night before my wife and I planned a day trip toward the coast. We would be heading to the small shore town of Linwood New Jersey. Linwood is located in the Southern part of NJ and just across the bay from the resort towns of Atlantic City and Ocean City. Although we wouldn’t step foot on the beach that day, we would come awful close. We could still see glimpses of the Bay beyond the neighboring gold course, and smell the salt air wisping past our noses.

Our mission wasn’t to spend time on the sandy shores, which were a bit chilly today anyhow, but rather to pay a visit to a unusually unique, niche garden shop. A hidden gem! So hidden in fact, not even the locals know about it!


It sounds funny that I say the locals don’t know about something in their own town…

But this is sort of true in a way. We met a woman at the bar last night and she lives in the town of Linwood New Jersey where this unique shop located. She expressed that she has a passion for plants and gardening, so I mentioned this shop to her. She had no clue that it existed and she had grown up in this area. Although she had moved away from that town, not too far away, she still considered herself an expert on the area. She was totally surprised, in a good way, that this place existed. She made plans to visit it the very next day; Friday!

So What Kind Of Shop Are We Talking About? ..

I guess it’s about time I let you in on the excitement! (exciting for me anyway) THE SHOP IS AN ORCHID SHOP!!! And an Awesome Orchid shop at that!!! But I think given the title of the post and the map up there, you figured it out already. I've never been that good at keeping a secret anyhow. hahaha.

~ Waldor Orchids ~

When we arrived, pulled into the dirt and crushed oyster shell parking lot, we noticed that the building was nothing to write home about. It almost looked slightly under cared for. We may not have even noticed it sitting there, if it weren't for the fact we were actually looking for it. After parking the car, we made our way through the shops front door. At first we were not sure we were in the right place. Even though the door was clearly marked with the word "Entrance", it still didn't feel quite right.

It would soon become evident that one would never realize the amount of beauty that lives on the other side of those light, pasty grey walls, until they find their way to the other side of them. We assumed, given the looks of the outside of the place, that we would be in and out of here in about 15 minutes. We couldn’t have been more wrong with our first impression.

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By the time we would be ready to leave, we logged in about two and a half hours of browsing. Those light grey walls at the front of the building where only disguising and masking the true beauty of what lay behind them.

At first, when you walked through the front entrance, we almost felt as if we were intruding on the employee areas of the building. It’s a very laid-back and a sort of “help yourself” type of atmosphere. No one bothers you why you browse the endless greenhouse space. They were there if you needed them, but overall they left you be and left you enjoy the space on your own time.




There wasn’t a lot of work being done at this time, because I think they do most of their work Monday through Thursday. The facility is open to the public only on Fridays and Saturdays. I do believe I read a sign somewhere that they will accommodate larger parties during the week by appointment only. During our visit we only ran into a handful of other people browsing the plants. It was not crowded as far as people go but definitely crowded as far as a Orchids go!

Some of the isles were very tight, but we did our best squeezing in behind benches and tables, display cases, and hanging displays. They were all sorts of orchids ranging from wall hanging orchids, grouped orchids, orchids hanging from baskets, orchids hanging off of rocks, they were even orchids growing in the cracks of the greenhouse floor. All the orchids seemed very happy and content in there environment.




At first it seemed as though it was a little chaotic in the organization of the plants. After spending a little time I realized that they were grouped depending on their species, there environmental needs, and size. There were some greenhouses that were quite chilly, while others were dry and warm, and others contained small water features and waterfalls that put humidity into the air for the humidity loving plants.



There was even some Koi Fish to be seen in some of the indoor ponds, frolicking in the small waterfalls.


Wall Hanging Orchids were around every corner. There were very little unused spaces to be found within these greenhouses.




Orchids could even be found hanging from the ceilings. Some of them appeared to have been here for many MANY years...





So Many Orchids.. So Many Flowers To Enjoy ..

Well established plants


Plants just starting out and getting their feet planted


Fluffy, Frilly, Crazy looking Orchids



More Common species of Orchids



And the more RARE species of Orchids


Small, Big, Clustered, Singular, Odd and Not So Odd Orchids.

Just Every Kind Of Orchid You Could Think Of



















And just take a look at this unique orchid...
Maudiae Paphiopedilum Orchid AKA Ladyslipper Orchid
And ONLY $40.00 USD


We slowly wandered through the greenhouses together.

With smiles on our faces and a occasionally sharing a distinct laughter we hadn’t had in a while. It was the sound of two people in love, loving the time we were spending together in a place of calm and beauty. Since the pandemic has kept most unique businesses closed and our travels to warm tropical places nonexistent, we couldn't help but to feel warm, cheerful and giddy. It was just nice to have something different to do on a Saturday that didn’t even require an entrance fee.

We were having fun.


During our exploration of the greenhouses, I did eventually find the location of the Phalaenopsis species. And if you know me, I like my Phals! Oh boy did they have a bunch of Phalaenopsis! More than I have ever seen in one place before in my entire life. And the best part is that almost 80% of the plants were either blooming or were ready to bloom. What a sight this would be in another week. It almost tempted me to make a second trip back, this upcoming weekend, to see them in full bloom.



You will be so surprised to find out what happened next!

And NO, we did NOT buy a Phalaenopsis Orchid this time

Nope! We did something a whole lot more exciting..

We bought a Dendrobium Orchid!!!

We are now branching out with our collection. We couldn't leave without buying something. That just wouldn't have been the right thing to do. I have no will power when it comes to Orchids.. None at all.

This is the a new species for us and we are excited to try something new. We now have a total of 10 Orchids; 9 Phalaenopsis and 1 Dendrobium.

Meet the new member of our Orchid Family ..

Dendrobium ~ 'Silver King'


The species sort of resemble bamboo in a way .. where all of their foliage grows in tufts at the top of the stalks. Flowers will form about twice a year, on the tops of the stalks and in small groupings, when the conditions become cooler and dry. They like the southern side of the house, and prefer bright indirect sunny spots. This is perfect, because that is where our other Orchids are right now, and they LOVE it there. We are hopping that this one thrives there as well.

Other than that, I can't tell you yet. I am still learning about this species. I am sure I will have more to share later, as time passes.

Molly and The New Orchid ..

I couldn't pass up an opportunity to introduce Molly to the new Orchid, and it went as you would expect. She took one look at it and said "Screw this, I'm out of here!" One day Molly. One day you will come to realize that these beauties mean no harm to you. And on that day I may capture a nice photo of you next to one. hehehe.


A Little Bit More About Waldor Orchids ..

The Photo's and Information below are from Waldor.com ~ Please visit their website for additional information


We are a fourth-generation family-owned and operated orchid Wholesale/Retail operation Christian business offering orchid plants and orchid supplies in the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware area along with shipping in the continental US.
We specialize in potted Intergeneric Oncidiniae, Paphiopedilum, Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Cymbidium, Gift Plants, Gift Ideas, and Hobby Plants .


Waldor Orchids wants to continue by preserving the old-time heirloom collections and selecting the very best of anything new to preserve for the future. We continue to provide the same quality and old-fashioned service that our customers have grown accustomed to.

We want to deliver you only the finest and the best orchid-related products, If you ever have an issue please contact us so we can resolve this issue. We want every customer to leave with a smile on their face.


If you do, then the above quoted information and their "Deep History" can be found here on their website.. Waldor.com

Have You Been Here?

Well If Not.. And You Have Nothing Better To Do On A Lazy Friday or Saturday, And Your In The Area, Pay Them A Visit.. You Won't Regret You Did. Message Me and We'll Come Join You!!!

TGIF Everyone and Happy Market Friday As Well!

Not sure if this qualifies for #MarketFriday by @dswigle or not, but I know she will like the pretty flowers nonetheless. Hi Denise! Hope you enjoyed all of those BEAUTIFUL flowers.. But I think I know the answer to that already! hehe.

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“One final paragraph of advice: do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast....a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, the lovely, mysterious, and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to the body, the body active and alive, and I promise you this much; I promise you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those desk-bound men and women with their hearts in a safe deposit box, and their eyes hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this; You will outlive the bastards.”
― Edward Abbey

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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The Orchid Lovers Community!

Love Orchids? Consider joining our community. We look forward to seeing you there!!!

The Orchid Lovers Community

A place for people who Love Orchids!

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I love that quote at the end! I really do! I took notes, don't worry!

About this post? Holy wow, Brad! Don't make me tip you again! The pictures were amazing, the varieties were endless and I have never, ever, ever seen that many orchids in one place. They are absolutely exotic looking, each and every one. I wasn't sure I would ever reach the bottom, but, that is in a good way. I had such a nice time, I put off reading this right away until I could sit and enjoy them.

And I did!!!

You really, really know how to put a post together, keeping every flower lover riveted, and stuck on the scroll bar. The Dendrobium is stunning~ another new one that is too hard to resist! So you think there will only be one in the family? :) It does look like the bamboo family!

I cannot thank you enough for taking us there! If I ever get up there, I will call you so you can point out all the good ones to me! Thanks so much for being a part of #MarketFriday!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)

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Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and Reposted!

that we would be in and out of here in about 15 minutes

Haha :-)

"Screw this, I'm out of here!"

Maybe Molly likes roses more :-)

Super beauty!

Hahaha.. Maybe she does like roses more. She doesn't like the thorns though! lol. She likes flowers that look and smell like cookies. 😆

So you need to cut the thorns of the rose, and hang cookies in their place 😂
For your pet, you can do anything will! 😊
Sweet beauty is worth it! ❤️‍

Wow, that is really impressive. Those are some pretty looking flowers. Best left in your hands than mine I think. I likely wouldn't have much luck keeping them alive. I used to get a seed catalog every year from a company called Jungs when I was a kid. My parents would get all the stuff for the garden from there. I remember going through it and looking at the flowers. This reminds me of that.

Yeah.. I took a few photos didn't I? hehe. I was in my element for sure. I even thought maybe I would quit working and just work there 😆. I was good too and just bought one plant when I really wanted to buy many. lol.

Oh yeah I remember those seed catalogs and also the Sears toy catalog too!

Sears Christmas catalog was epic. I remember the Radio Shack catalog too. When I started working there people were psycho about getting their copy of it!

Oh yeah.. totally forgot about the Radio Shack catalog. I loved going there as a kid, then all of the stores closed up and that was that.

Yeah, pretty sad!



So many orchids!
I was scrolling and kept wondering of how many did you get :P
I think I have two from the ones you showed oh the photos... I also have some Cymbidiums, but they didn't bloom for me yet, so I don't know which colour they are.

The Dendrobium you got is really nice! There is so many different types... one is just a start ;) I am sure you are gonna get more :)

SOOOOOOoooooo MANY! I was in my glory and didn't want to leave. I was considering just sleeping under one of the tables or something. They would never know. I wouldn't cause much trouble. hehe.

At first I wasn't sure about the Dendrobiums.. but then WAM! I was hooked on them. Oh I'm getting more for sure!

Thank you for the support 😁

How exquisite! I know my brother would be lost in this orchid oasis for days, @craigcryptoking? I particularly love the ponds and those delicate but flourishing ferns - and the splash of floral colour

He likes orchids I guess?! Very cool! Yes those tiny ponds were set up to create humidity within the greenhouse, but they added a bit of interest while walking around. The ferns were quite happy to say the least. If I was able to build a nice sized greenhouse for my orchids I would include a little pond like they had. I really felt like just sitting down and reading a book in that space.

That's exactly the mood it creates! Stunning. Whimsical

A lot of orchids. All of them are beautiful. I just want to go there ....555

I hear ya! I just wanna go back and buy all of them, except I don't know where I would put them all. 🙃🤣

@carrinm another lover of Orchids. :)

A huge passion

My mother in law is a fan too.

A lover of orchids indeed I am! 🥰

I can see that, they are beautiful. I never knew there was so many until reading @carrinm posts. My favourite is the flying duck. 😊

The Flying Duck? Well now you have my interest.. I'll have to look that one up!

I'm sure I got that right, @carrinm an I right or have I got the names wrong 😊

This is amazing, the pictures caught my attention.... Well done

Aww.. Thanks. It was a really fun and beautiful time 😁

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Holy COW! I passed 100,000 votes handed out??!! Very cool. A milestone for sure 😁

That's a really impressive score @bdmillergallery! Looking forward to seeing you reach 200k upvotes 😅

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Thank you! 😊
I went to renew my vote, but it shows that I am already supporting it. Do I have to check back at some point when it expires?

Strange. Anyway, thank you for your support @bdmillergallery, much appreciated!

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