New in Pinmapple: come and see the Church of Santa Eulalia del Rio, Spain [Eng - Esp]

in Worldmappin4 months ago




New in Pinmapple: come and see the Church of Santa Eulalia del Rio, Spain

There are places that invite us to let go of our soul and flow in their beauty, and this is what usually happens to me with Santa Eulalia. As I walk through it, its colors impregnate my sight, coming to caress every pore of my being, along with the scent of its orange blossoms, which emanate a delicious perfume that runs through streets, corners and viewpoints.

Hello dear Pinmapple community! I hope you are having a lovely day, whatever time you are reading me.

Just a few hours ago I discovered this path to the chapel of Santa Eulalia. Bordering the sea, this city instead of offering the sunset, offers beautiful orange tones that rest on the sea from afar.

But as I have been seeing that hill with the construction on the top for days, I thought that maybe from there, I could appreciate the sunset.

Without knowing very well what the path was, I started walking along the Santa Eulalia River, in what is a beautiful walk made by and for the pedestrian. From there I reached the Pont Vell from where I could see a beautiful field of orange and lemon trees, and then followed the path until I found my way up the hill.


Nuevo en Pinmapple: ven a conocer la Iglesia de Santa Eulalia del Río, España

Hay lugares que al recorrerlos nos invitan a soltar el alma y fluir en su belleza, y esto es lo que me suele pasar con Santa Eulalia. Al recorrerla, sus colores impregnan mi vista, llegando a acariciar cada poro de mi ser, junto con el aroma de sus azahares, que emanan un delicioso perfume que recorre calles, rincones y miradores.

Hola querida comunidad de Pinmapple!! Espero que estén pasando un día precioso, sea cual sea la hora en la que me están leyendo.

Hace tan solo unas horas descubrí este camino hacia la capilla de Santa Eulalia. Bordeando el mar, este ciudad en lugar de ofrecer el atardecer, ofrece bonitos tonos anaranjados que se posan sobre el mar desde lo lejos.

Pero como hace días que vengo viendo aquella colina con la construcción en la cima, supuse que tal vez desde allí, se podía apreciar bien el atardecer.

Sin saber muy bien cuál era el camino, empecé a caminar bordeando el Río de Santa Eulalia, en lo que es un paseo bellísimo hecho por y para el peatón. De allí llegué al Pont Vell desde donde se apreciaba un bello campo de naranjos y limoneros, y posteriormente seguí el sendero hasta encontrar la manera de ascender por la colina.






This area is located between the urbanization of Siesta (yes, like the rest we usually take, hehe) and the town of Santa Eulalia. However, the chapel goes into the mountain, which is an invitation to know another face of this space, a totally green one, full of trees and flowers.

As I was ascending, I was falling more and more in love with this beautiful place, full of sensations, and that's just it, this area of the island of Ibiza offers... sensations. Exactly! Like the whole island!

The thing is that Ibiza offers from the most spiritual sensations to the most artificial and coming from totally external stimuli. But Santa Eulalia is the spirit of Ibiza expressing itself strongly through nature, and this is something that can be clearly appreciated on this walk.

Esta zona se encuentra entre la urbanización de Siesta (sí, como el descanso que solemos tomar, jeje) y la ciudad de Santa Eulalia. Sin embargo, la capilla se adentra en el monte, lo cual es una invitación a conocer otro rostro de este espacio, uno totalmente verde, repleto de árboles y flores.

A medida que iba ascendiendo, me iba enamorando más y más de este hermoso sitio, repleto de sensaciones, y es que es eso, esta zona de la isla de Ibiza ofrece… sensaciones. Exacto!! Como toda la isla!

El tema es que Ibiza ofrece desde las sensaciones más espirituales hasta las más artificiales y provenientes de estímulos totalmente externos. Pero Santa Eulalia es el espíritu de Ibiza expresándose con fuerza a través de la naturaleza, y esto es algo que se aprecia con claridad en esta caminata.





















I didn't know I would get to the Church of Santa Eulalia on my way up, but then I saw some signs indicating it.

The trail is a bit steep for the hiker, but you can still go by car.

For someone who loves hiking like me, it is excellent, because it has its challenging touch.

As I ascended, I let myself fall in love with the architecture of yesteryear that has undoubtedly been restored, and at the same time I allowed myself to fall somewhat mesmerized by the panoramic views offered by the curves.

No sabía que llegaría a la Iglesia de Santa Eulalia cuando iba subiendo, pero luego ví algunas señalizaciones que lo indicaban.

El sendero es algo pronunciado para el caminante, pero igualmente se puede ir en auto.

Para alguien que ama las caminatas como yo, es excelente, porque tiene su toque de desafío.

A medida que ascendía, me dejaba enamorar por la arquitectura de antaño que sin dudas ha sido restaurada, y al mismo tiempo me permitía caer algo hipnotizada por las vistas panorámicas que ofrecían las curvas.



















When I reached the top I found the Church of Santa Eulalia. I could not enter because it was closed, but I walked around the outskirts.

The place has some arches that made me fall in love and made me fantasize about photo shoots and Yoga classes. There is also a cemetery next to the church and to the side there is a sector that faces northwest, where the sun sets. On the other side is San Antonio, the city where the sunsets are magic.

Al llegar a la cima me encontré con la Iglesia de Santa Eulalia. No pude ingresar porque estaba cerrada, pero recorrí las afueras.

El lugar cuenta con unos arcos que me enamoraron y me hicieron fantasear con sesiones de fotos y clases de Yoga. Además hay un cementerio al lado De la Iglesia y al costado hay un sector que mira al noroeste, donde se pone el sol. Hacia aquel otro lado está San Antonio, la ciudad donde los atardeceres son magia.




It has been a long time since a place has caught my attention the way Santa Eulalia has, so I am really happy, and I can only be THANKFUL.

After other magical places visited, I finally arrived to a place that at least at this moment, gives me the peace and vibe I need.

It is a pleasure to be able to share it with you and make you part of this path that is still nomadic.

Hace mucho que un lugar no me llamaba la atención de la manera que lo ha hecho Santa Eulalia, por lo que estoy realmente feliz, ya que solo queda AGRADECER.

Después de otros lugares mágicos visitados, al fin llegué a un sitio que al menos en este momento, me brinda la paz y la vibra que necesito.

Es un placer poder compartirlo con ustedes y hacerlos parte de este camino que todavía sigue siendo nómade.


Pinmapple: [//]:# (!pinmapple 38.98410 lat 1.52917 long New in Pinmapple: come and see the Church of Santa Eulalia del Rio, Spain New in Pinmapple: come and see the Church of Santa Eulalia del Rio, Spain d3scr)

I hope you’ve enjoy the post!

Thanks a lot for being here!

With love,


Espero que hayas disfrutado el post!!

Muchas gracias por estar aquí!

Con cariño,


Device: iPhone 12 Pro
Translation: DeepL

Dispositivo: iPhone 12 Pro
Traducción: DeepL




Beautiful place! Santa Eulalia seems to be having the right vibe. May be next time you can enter the church on top. ☺️ Although the article captures architecture, this is my fav shot.

Yes, for me is also the best! And the one at the end of my post! Santa Eulalia is perfect! 😍

Thanks a lot for stopping by 😊

It is a great place with an amazing aerial view of mountains, water, and the sun making the surroundings an attractive one for the nature lover. Also, the white buildings seem to be so pure like the air quality I guess. Thanks for sharing your discovery of the great place.

Yes, the quality of the air is very good!! It’s just an amazing place to visit and to live 😍

Wow, I'm sure I would love to visit this place. Very beautiful photographs. Thanks for sharing 😊

Thanks to you for your comment! It’s certainly a very beautiful place!

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