Magical Algarve - Between two beaches

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Well, I have no idea how to start that post as you can already think what is coming. For some it might get boring and even I thought that I have enough from seeing that coastline every day for the past 6 months. Always sunny, blue sky, crystal clear water, breathtaking colours...and so on.

But then, it only takes one late afternoon walk of less than 1km between two beaches and I´m again blown away.


Yesterday afternoon I forced my girlfriend to close the laptop and go for a little walk as we were working the whole day. We decided to drive to Praia de Dona Ana as she had not seen that beach and I also had not really discovered it completely.

This is only one of many beautiful beaches but kind of the main beach as there are many big Hotels and Apartment Buildings next to it.

From here you can either walk towards Praia do Pinhão on the left hand or right to the famous Praia do Camilo. Although there is a sign that this is not part of the hiking trail we decided to walk to Camilo. Sometimes rules are there to ignore them ;)


But before we went on that walk we went down to Praia de Dona Ana, and well, what should I say? I guess I let the photos talk for itself.

But look at all these colours and how much shells the last swell washed up on the beach. Haven´t seen that many on any beach here.






We were able to climb over one of these sandstone rocks into something like a little cave from where we could crawl underneath another rock that got us on the next section of this beach.

Not sure if this would have worked during the high tide, I don´t think so. But being trapped on that beach is not the worst that can happen...there is definitely unsightly places on earth.









We both could have stayed down there way longer but we had a mission, so we went up again and straight to the forbidden entry of that little walking path.

The track is relatively easy to walk, although the rain did some damage here and there. Without a bit of challenge it´s boring anyway so I always welcome some tricky sections on hiking trails.




As soon as we reached the top between those two beaches we had a great view in both direction, one more beautiful than the other. Luckily, due to the lack of tourists and the late afternoon we had it all for us. It was so quite up there, we saw lots of birds and even a small rabbit.

Furthermore the clover and all the wild flowers are going crazy at the moment and everything looks much more green than weeks ago.









But the most amazing sight was without doubt the view onto Praia do Camilo. Even from the far distance you could already imagine what awaits you down at that beach. The closer we got to the beach the better it looked.

With all the stuff I´ve seen while we were here, this is probably one of the best things. This makes you forget all the bad things that are going on at the moment.





We sat there for a while and enjoyed the view of this lonely beach, the quiet and the chirp of the birds. On our way back to the car park in front of the other beach we found a ruine on any hiking track here. I really start to wonder why there is always one ruine on any of these tracks.




And once again a very successful afternoon here in the algarve, which gave us new energy again after a whole morning of screen time.

And one more thing for all of you who suffer from all the travel restrictions, lockdown and all that other stuff that kept us away from living our life the past 2 years...HANG IN THERE!!!


[//]:# (!pinmapple 37.090279 lat -8.669473 long Magical Algarve - Between two beaches d3scr)

HIVE Photography.png


Awesome shots. Any of them would make a great entry for my Appreciate Beauty of Nature photography challenge... Too bad you never stop by :D

Thank you so much. Ok, now you got me, I´m in on this round. will have to check for anther photo, but got plenty ;)

Awesome, I will be looking forward to your entry :)

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks @ackoo 😁

Most welcome! :)

Stunning. Some sections look so much like the Victorian coastline it's not even funny. It makes me silly happy you guys are there. I can feel the happy beach vibes just beam out of this post.

Thought of you on Bruny Island, Tas, where we surfed Cloudy Bay. Now THAT was a magical spot..

Thank you so much! Yes, so many parts here on the Algarve remind me at Australia. We love it here but soon we will be traveling again ;)

Awesome, we have´t been there unfortunately, but I heard its great. Would love to go to Tassi again as well.

Oh wow, it is quite high up, the stairs are never-ending! And the coast is ... I am speechless. Stunning! Well worth pulling her out 😀

Yes, the first few meters are very steep and one should always be careful at the edges of the cliff. I know, it´s crazy and makes me speechless all the time.

Haven't seen that many shells in my whole life.

It was definitely a lot, the only time I saw more was on Langkawi

Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Daily Travel Digest #1456.

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wow thats awesome. thank you @ybanezkim26

You're welcome!

Wow, that's quite high! and the shots area amazing. This makes me miss a clear sunny day!

It is, guess it´s up to 30 meters at some sections.

So many great photos in this post! The cliffs along the beach are dazzling with their colors and rugged shapes. But my favorite picture out of them all?

The second one; the fence post. In the background, the dark trees on the horizon. This one really captured my attention with the distance and contrast. A lovely photo!


Thank you so much. The contrast between the sandstone and the blue ocean fascinated me from the start.

Ok, cool. I haven´t even noticed the trees in the far back. :)

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