Visit Pirescoxe Castle🍍 / Visita Castillo de Pirescoxe🌏🚙(En-Es)

in Worldmappin5 months ago
Hello traveling friends! What if we visit another new Castle and add it to the more than 20 that I have already visited throughout the territory? Today I think it is the smallest castle I visited but don't underestimate it because it is full of a lot of history! Most of the castles you visit in Portugal date back to the 11th-12th century, that is, the Moorish invasion, but this one here is from the era of post-medieval discovery, which makes it have about 600 years of history! Let's take a walk on these stone streets in the Pirescoxe area to learn about this architectural piece!🍍🌍🚩

Hola amigos viajeros! que tal si visitamos otro nuevo Castillo y lo anexamos a los mas de 20 que ya visite en todo el territorio? el de hoy creo que es el castillo mas pequeño que visite pero no entanto no lo subestimes porque esta lleno de bastante historia! la mayoria de los castillos que visitas en Portugal remontan del siglo XI-XII osea en la invasion Mora pero este de aqui es de la era de los descubrimiento pos-medieval lo que hace que tenga unos 600 años de historia! vamos a dar un paseo en estas calles de piedra de la zona de Pirescoxe para aprender sobre esta pieza arquitectonica!🏯🏰📚🤴

How to get to the Castle?🧭🌍/Como llegar al Castillo?🍍🚩

First of all, the Castle is very easy to access, you can find it at the following coordinates: (38.836901, -9.091767), for more interesting information, the entrance to the castle is free, however you must pay attention to the operating hours as it closes at 1:00 p.m.: 00 and then it opens again at 2:00 p.m. Parking is not so easy, so I advise you to take public transportation, which is plentiful in the area! Also walking here will be interesting for you because you have many beautiful views of the Tejo River, and several other places to visit such as viewpoints or museums!🧭🌏🚩
Primero que anda el Castillo es de muy facil acceso lo puedes encontrar en las siguientes coordenadas: (38.836901, -9.091767), para mas datos interesantes la entrada del castillo es gratis sin embargo debes estar atento al horario de funcionamiento pues cierra a las 13:00 y luego abre nuevamente a las 14:00, el estacionamiento no es tan facil por lo que te aconsejo ir en transporte publico que abunda por la zona! ademas caminar por aqui sera interesante para ti porque tienes muchas vistas bonitas del Rio Tejo, y varios otros sitios para visitar como miradores o museos!🏰🏰

History of the Castle🧭🌍/Historia del Castillo🍍🚩

The castle in question dates back to 1442 and this is one of the few castles whose construction was for war purposes! Normally a Castle is built at the highest point of a city but in this case Pirescoxe did not have that purpose! History indicates that the name "pirescoxe" may have originated from a count who had problems walking! Nuno Vazques and his wife Joana Juzarte had the genius of building this "palace" with the purpose of creating a "Morgadio" to maintain their achievements and offspring for many years! We concluded that it was a palace for this rich family!🚩🌏🧭
El castillo en cuestion tiene origen en 1442 y este es uno de los pocos castillo cuya construccion era con fines belicos! normalmente un Castillo se construye en el punto mas alto de una ciudad pero en este caso Pirescoxe no tenia ese proposito! la historia indica que el nombre "pirescoxe" pudo originarse por un conde que tenia problemas al caminar! Nuno Vazques y su esposa Joana Juzarte tuvieron la genialidad de construir este "palacio" con el proposito de crear un "Morgadio" esto para mantener la realiza y descendencia por muchos años! concluimos que era un palacio para esta familia rica! 👸🤴

The heirs🧭🌍/Los herederos🍍🚩

learning about medieval customs📚🏰

From the construction of the Castle to the last character of the lineage that would end with Teodósio de Bragança, more than 8 generations would pass inhabiting the castle! In the 15th century it underwent renovations by João IV of Portugal, when the last of the lineage known as "castelo branco" died, the palace in question was abandoned and remained in ruins for many years!👀🧭🌏

Desde la construccion del Castillo hasta el ultimo personaje del linaje que acabaria con Teodósio de Bragança pasarian mas de 8 generaciones que irian habitando el castillo! en XV sufrio unas reformas de parte de João IV de Portugal, al falleser el ultimo del linaje conocidos como "castelo branco" el palacio en cuestion fue abandonado y permanecio en la ruina por muchos años!😲🚙

What did I learn inside the Castle?🧭🌍/Que aprendi dentro del Castillo?🍍🚩

When you enter the Castle they give you a pamphlet to learn the history of it and it has some very interesting pages where they teach you the customs and how the Castelo Branco family lived in these doors, first of all they did not eat potatoes because at that height the potatoes They had not yet arrived in Europe, I also learned that there was no lunch and instead breakfast consisted of a piece of bread with a hot drink, the Portuguese in the medieval era got up very early to work in the field and had dinner at 7pm! Those who lived in the castle did not have much free time because they had a lot of political work! So when there was free time they celebrated with parties and banquets as well as musicians participating in their parties!📚🍍🌍
Cuando entras en el Castillo te dan un folleto para aprender la historia del mismo y tiene unas hojas bastantes interesantes donde te enseñan las costumbres y como vivia la familia de Castelo Branco en estas puertas, primero que nada no comian papas porque en esa altura las papas todavia no habian llegado a Europa, aprendi tambien que no se almorzaba y en cambio el desayuno consistia en una pieza de pan con una bebida caliente, el Portugues en la era medieval se levantaba muy temprano a trabajar en el campo y cenaba a las 7pm! los que habitaban en el castillo no tenian mucho tiempo libre pues tenian mucho trabajo politico! asi que cuando habia tiempo libre celebraban con fiestas y banquetes asi como participaban musicos a sus fiestas!🏰🤴👸

Today's days of the castle🧭🌍/Los dias de hoy del castillo🍍🚩

The castle was in very poor condition and two architects worked together to restore some parts of the castle such as the keep, however the patio that you see in the photos and some parts of the wall are untouchable and are original from the century XV, the castle from the sixties gained public interest and was classified as a historical monument of Portugal!🏯🧭📚
El castillo se encontraba en muy malas condiciones y dos arquitectos trabajaron en conjunto para poder restaurar algunas partes del castillo como la torre del homenaje, sin embargo el patio que ves en las fotos y algunas partes de la muralla se encuentran intocables y son orginales del siglo XV, el castillo a partir de los años sesenta gano interes publico y fue clasificado como monumento historico de Portugal!🚩🌏🍍🚙



The architecture of the castle is a square plan with a military design, the little that is known is that it had only civil interest and never had a military role! The top of battlements that are defined by those spaces in the wall that are used for military surveillance purposes decorate a low wall, three towers in each corner of its walls give it that robust and warlike touch! There were 3 main rooms and a patio with access from different areas!🧭🌏

La arquitectura del castillo es una planta cuadrada con diseño militar, lo poco que se sabe es que tuvo unicamente interes civil y nunca tuvo un protagonismo militar! el remate de almenas que se define por esos espacios en la muralla que se usan con fines de vigilancia militar decoran una muralla baja, tres torres en cada esquina de sus murallas le dan ese toque robusto y belico! habian 3 cuartos principales y un patio con acceso por diferentes zonas!😲🚙

The legend of the treasure🧭🌍/La leyenda del tesoro🍍🚩

There is a legend where it is thought that in the basement of the castle there is a buried treasure that is hundreds of years old, it is the treasure of D. Sebastião who died in 1578, from there it is kept under the walls of the castle and although it is believed that It is a legend because the only document that states this is a comment on a battle called: "battle of Alcácer Quibir."🚩🌍📚
Existe una leyenda donde se piensa que en los sotanos del castillo hay un tesoro sepultado que tiene alli centenas de años, se trata del tesoro de D. Sebastião que murio en 1578, desde alli se mantiene bajo las paredes del castillo y aunque se cree que es una leyenda porque el unico documento que afirma esto se trata de un comentario en una batalla llamada: "batalla de Alcácer Quibir".👸🤴💂‍♀️💂‍♂️


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Wao asombroso, quisiera visitar un castillo

si vienes un dia a portugal hay decenas de ellos por todos lados

amazing castle, the view there is very beautiful

If one day you visit Portugal there are many of them

I've never been to any castle in my life so this story has brought me to one. How historic!

Thanks for commenting on my post, hugs!