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RE: Visiting Iona Abbey - the birthplace of Christianity in Scotland

in Pinmapple7 months ago

Wow, that is a really beautiful location. I love the carved crosses, those are probably my favorite part of the whole thing. It's interesting to imagine how things must have been different back in the day. Areas that were once remote are now not so much and areas that weren't are now a bit harder to get to.


Yes, the carved crosses are really impressive.

Thats a picture of some of the even older ones from the Abbey museum, for which only some fragments remain. The one at the front dated from the 7th century I think (only 1300 years old !!!).

And yes, the story of the sea routes from those times are quite interesting. As a result, the island and the abbey was attacked/sacked a number of times by the Vikings ! And Norway even took control of the Abbey and Island for a number of years at one point ! Its mind boggling !

Wow, 1300 years is nuts to think about. Hard for us over in the states to really wrap our heads around!

Aye - thats even pretty old by Scottish standards !