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RE: Oregon Adventures: Journey to Crater Lake: Day 1

in Pinmapple3 years ago

Yeah totally agree and I know what you mean.
My home town was one of the ones that was completely surrounded for weeks during our xmas 2020 bushfires (Cobargo- the town next door burnt down with a lot of my old school mates homes and shops too...)

And although it looks great and green and artistic as it grows back, there becomes a second danger as our tree are Eucalypt trees with the leaves full of oil, and now that the leaves are growing right up the tree trunk instead of having that flowering head of branches and leaves at the top, that means when it burns again, there will be nothing left at all...

I took these photos from through the bus window on the way back up there exactly a year after the fire



When normally it would look like this....which I took through the bus window as I was getting out of 'dodge'...


So yeah, I hope that yours recover much quicker over there.

It's the poor animals that I feel sorry for. They estimate that we lost about 3 billion animals here- from native- Koalas, Roos, Dingoes to cattle/sheep and everything in between...

Well I look forward to chapter ??? 😃 and until then, take care and stay safe!