Dempster Highway, Day 1, Part 1

in Worldmappin9 months ago

Thursday August 20th, 2022.
Day 20 of Alcan Highway Adventure



We wake up in Tombstone Mountain Campground, Yukon Territory. Sunshine streams through the trees and into the car. The rain is gone, the sky is bright. A welcome change after yesterday's arduous journey to get here. But here is only a point along the way. There is much to see.

So much.










Of the many places I have been, I have always found similarities in landscapes. Until now. Here, in this land that spends half the year under darkness and snow, this land that is frosted earth deep beneath my feet, everything is new. And in this tiny window of time, late summer, I get only a glimpse of the majesty that defines this region so close to the North Pole.




A two hour drive takes three. But we are not in a hurry.


Photos taken along the southern portion of the Dempster Highway, an 887km (551mi) dirt highway that leads from Dawson City, YT, to Tuktoyaktuk, NT, and the Arctic Ocean. Stay tuned for more.

Read Day 19.

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NFT Crowroom
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Thank you!

So beautiful… it’s great to discover new landscapes. Things not familiar.
Have a nice Wednesday 👋🏻😊

Thanks @littlebee4! Have a great week!

You are welcome 😊 thank you kindly!

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what an extraordinary view you show, the natural scenery there is so amazing, in your last photo it looks like a hill and a little snow mixed in makes it look so perfect

beautiful landscapes.

Wow, what top photographs. The dog is super cute ❤️ Thank you for sharing with us 😊

Thanks @name0! He IS super cute, isn't he.

I just got back from visiting two crow-people friends in Hamburg, one German, the other Indian. We all have different accents to our English. My German friend said "happiness is a crow." I thought she said "My penis is a crow." I was like, wtf, I don't get it.

So many crows, so little time!

And I still need to see Australian ravens and crows and magpie jays and Indian crows and omfg rooks! Although I did get a grainy-ass shot of rooks in flight. Not the same, though.
And shit, I need to see blue jays. Maybe in Colorado.
I need to see pied crows.
And Hawaiian crows, if there's any chance of that. They're nearly extinct.

Great, now I'm having a seizure for breakfast. Thanks.

Hello Crow Lady,

You've been in my thoughts recently so I came to check in on you.

I'm jealous of you, really. I'm pining for the fields!

Nice to see you out there in the open air and wide spaces <3

I knew you would be! :D

Hellooooooo! Thanks for saying hi!
I just got back from the wilds of Hamburg. Flew back in yesterday and boy is my everything tired.


Nice to see you flying around

Have a good rest. Crow Lady ❤️