My nurturing place and childhood memories at Phuong Duc Church

in Pinmapple2 years ago

I've written a number of pieces about Catholic churches in countries where I travel or live and work. However, I have never written about a church with which I have been affiliated for most of my childhood, the place where I was born, and which is adjacent to my family's home. I currently reside in the Central region, but I was born and raised in the North, where Catholicism was first introduced by Portuguese and Spanish missionaries in the early 16th century, followed by the French. My hometown, Hai Hau - Nam Dinh (Vietnam), was once a coastline region with easy access to early Western missionaries who spread the word from their trips. Acceptance of culture and diversity. Accepting culture and ideas affected by traditional architecture such as churches, although there will be few churches built in the original French Gothic style. Because there are many aspects in the decoration and building of the local people, I believe it will be somewhat hybridized with Vietnamese culture to create a mixed style. One of these is Phuong Duc Church, which I refer to as the "Western shell, South intestine."



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It's not an old church; I remember when I was 6 years old, the old church was not large, but ancient and magnificent, with a separate bell tower from the church. The roof and walls had deteriorated to the point that it was decided to dismantle the old church and build a new one on the same foundation. We kids frequently go out to play in that area and watch the people build it because it is right next to my house, divided only by a barrier wall (because there are many modern and large machines big appeal to the kids).

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Over time, a larger, taller Catholic church with a new 52m bell tower emerged (now this bell tower is also in the top of the church bell tower height in Vietnam). It began in 2005 and was completed in 2018, however work was slow due to a shortage of money (bell tower was built first and then the church connected to the bell tower). I'm not sure why a little community with just over 150 residents has to build such a large church that requires so much time and money.

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Overall, the outside architecture is straightforward, with few complicated construction techniques. The minor details and faux white windows are mingled in with the gray-blue color (they presumably mixed the paints). The artwork, emblems, and patterns are all built of masonry mortar, and everything seems brand new and appealing.






With pointed arches, sharply straight bell towers, and numerous glass windows, it has a Western Gothic aspect. Because it is not a large Holy Temple with a large number of parishioners and funds, it has been greatly simplified. The bell tower is separated into five storeys, with the top floor gradually shrinking. The first three levels have reinforced concrete steps, the fourth floor has iron stairs, and the top floor is locked, so anyone can go upstairs for a better look. When I was a kid, that community would often go without electricity due to a lack of supply, and that bell tower was where I would go to snooze because it was cool.



The view of the countryside surrounded by rice fields that change color from green to yellow according to the seasons and admiring the full red-tiled roof of the church is highly captivating . When standing on a sacred high point, the serene and sparsely inhabited countryside provides many soothing and relaxing impressions.


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The roof system above is separated into two levels, with two lower levels on either side, all of which are covered in lovely little red tiles. Because it appears so bright in the sun, I frequently venture to the top of the church to experience the dome system. If you're terrified of heights, this is not a good idea.


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The arches are pointed, the pillars are artistic with the details of the moldings, the designs of the architects, and there are many combined aspects inside the church. Aside from Asian touches like gilded paint and a wooden roof beam system in the middle, there are authentic Vietnamese artistic patterns in the details. When you walk inside the area, it's quite spacious and elevated, giving you a sense of humility. However, unlike the previous church, the glass windows lack the color and design of mosaics of saints on the glass. All of the furniture, paintings, and statues are nearly new. On the sides are paintings depicting Jesus Christ passion as he was crucified to the crucifixion.






The altar is primarily built of exquisite wood crafts and appears sophisticated and attractive. When it was shipped, I recall it being put together in small parts, and instead of using machines, they built scaffolding to move it up. The dome system is quite tall, with white textures and paint colors, and a repetitive warm yellow chandelier hanging above it. These photographs were taken during the traditional Tet holiday (February), when I was visiting family, and some people were preparing bonsai to create a spring feel.






I think the campus outside the church is rather lovely, with lots of curving and artistically manicured green trees, a lake next to the grounds to worship the Virgin Mary and the Saints at the back of the church, and some photos from the couple who donated the property for the church to be built. All of the artwork is made of stone and is both gorgeous and clean. The stone hamlet here is well-developed, and they use hand-held machinery to cut and grind designs. The advantage is that it is extremely clean and free of moss. Outside, please take a look at some of the images.



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When I get home, I always go to the church property, especially in the morning, to go on a walk with my niece and brother or to stay on top of the bell tower to enjoy the relaxing scenery, which includes numerous little trees. scenery, as well as rockery If you come to this calm countryside, I believe you will find it to be an intriguing spot to visit. It is only approximately 2 kilometers from the town center and is extremely easy to get around.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Gopro 8 and LG V50 phone were used to create this image.


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This picture is my favorite, I'm glad I saw a very beautiful church in your post.