Explore the pristine beauty of Diek Pet village

in Pinmapple7 months ago

Hello dear Hivers in the Pinmapple community, it's been a long time since I've been back to everyone here. Today I return to our community with a post about my friends and I's recent exploration of the remote village of Diek Pet.

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Diek Pet village is a remote village of the Ca Dong ethnic minority people. It belongs to Ngok Tem commune, Kon Plong district, and is located on the border between Kon Tum province and Quang Ngai province. To get here, we had to drive 125km from Mang Den town. Ca Dong people often have the custom of going deep into mountainous areas to establish villages, so their villages are often located separately from the rest. To get there, we drove along Truong Son Dong road, which is the legend road along majestic Truong Son mountain range.




Lang Diek Pet is nestled between majestic mountains and next to a stream of water. This village is characterized by small, simple houses made of wood. They will often build stilt houses to avoid wild animals and have space below to store firewood and working tools. Living in a remote place, they do almost everything by hand. They do not have modern electronic devices. The living needs of people here are almost at the basic level.









The villagers make a living mainly from farming and depend on the forest. They grow rice, sweet potatoes, cassava, and corn on the fields on the hills. In addition, they also go into the forest to collect firewood, collect medicinal herbs and hunt wild animals. Their lives are closely linked to nature and weather conditions. The hardship helps them become stronger and live a simple and happy life.






One thing that cannot be ignored is that Diek Pet village has very beautiful nature. It is covered with mountains and green primeval forests. The valley stretched seemingly endlessly. Water from the forest is also the main source of drinking water for the villagers. And especially at the time we got there, the red-leaved trees were outstanding. Between the green background of the forest and the white of the clouds, their color becomes even more prominent.








And on this trip we also prepared some candies and cooking ingredients for the children in the village. We visited Diek Pet Primary School to give gifts to the children and cook lunch for them. Looking at the innocent eyes of the children here, the worries of life seem to disappear.










Overall, I had a wonderful trip exploring Diek Pet village with its small village, beautiful nature and happy people. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Wishing you a good day.

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That forest looks amazing! So healthy and full of life..

I love those photos of kids, especially the one being so happy because she's getting some food 😊

Thank you very much @delishtreats

It's great to see you sharing your exploration of the remote village of Diek Pet with the Ca Dong ethnic minority people. Your description of the village's location and the lifestyle of its residents is fascinating, and the photos provide a glimpse into this unique and serene place. It's important to document and appreciate the diversity of cultures and ways of life around the world.

Hi @silviared945
I'm happy that you like the post and find it informative.
It's just my hobby to travel around and capture lives of people.

I love the forest
The plants are looking so green and healthy and I think this is my first time seeing the original setting of a foreign village

Really @rafzat
I'm happy that I brought the first sight of a foreign village to you.
I love forest too.

I am glad to hear that you had a wonderful trip exploring Diek Pet village. It sounds like a beautiful and remote place, and the people there seem to be very kind and welcoming.

It was fun to learn about the Ca Dong people's custom of building stilt houses and living in harmony with nature. It is refreshing to hear that there are still places in the world where people live simple and happy lives.

I appreciate your efforts to give back to the community by donating candies and cooking ingredients to the children at Diek Pet Primary School. It is important to remember that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in people's lives.

Hi @malos10
Thank you very much for your lovely words.
You're right, there are so many things to learn about the village.
When the kids saw my camera, some of them told me that they want to become a photographer in the future. And I'm happy about that.

I am simply fascinated by the photos attached here, but also by the beauty of the places you have presented.
The pictures of those kids are really special, the kids are so sweet.

Thank you very much @triplug
I'm happy that you like the photos.
Wish you a nice day.

You're welcome.

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Now you are very lucky, you live in such a beautiful place, travel a little and go to an area with such a beautiful scenery and spend your time and see all these things in the scenery, one forgets the troubles of his life. And begins to enjoy life.