Khe Ram Stream - The Fountain of Youth

in Pinmapple2 years ago

Hi guys, how are you today?
Today is a beautiful sunny day at my place. And fortunately, my wife and I had a few hours of free time in the afternoon, so we decided to go out by motorbike to enjoy the nice weather and breathe in the fresh air after a day working indoors with the computer. We didn't have a specific plan at first. We just decided to ride a motorbike to the mountainous area north of the city because there are a lot of trees, beautiful scenery and less people there. Finally, we decided to stop at Khe Ram - a beautiful stream in this Hoa Bac mountain region. Let's explore the beauty of this stream with us.


Located about 25 km from Da Nang city center, the road to Khe Ram is quite easy because most of the roads are paved. The scenery on both sides of the road is also very beautiful with overlapping mountains, rice fields and the poetic Cu De river. However, the end of the journey is quite tough. The trail from the main road to the main check-in point of Khe Ram is a dirt road with many craggy rocks on the road. Sometimes, we even have to ride motorbikes across the stream. Make sure you have experience riding a motorbike in mountainous and muddy roads, otherwise leave your motorbike at a point where you can no longer ride it, lock it securely and continue walking along Follow the stream to reach the beautiful spots of the stream.

If you can continue your journey with a motorbike then go to the end of the road, there is a small farmer's house there where you can park your motorbike, the parking fee is about 50 cents. After that, continue hiking on a small trail along the stream to explore it. My advice is that you should wear shoes that can help you walk on the rocks comfortably because you have to walk on the rocks to continue the expedition, even you have to climb the rocks with both hands and feet in some sections of the journey. Along that trail, there are many beautiful spots, you can stop at the one you like or you can continue your journey until you can't anymore because you may be tired or due to the terrain. The journey is quite a bit of a struggle, but I assure you it's well worth the effort.






Nestled between two mountains and green forests, Khe Ram has a mysterious beauty. Standing at Khe Ram, you can admire the natural beauty of the mountains on either side of it. Looking into the distance, you can even enjoy the more majestic panoramic beauty of the rolling mountains of Hoa Bac mountain region. The rocks and trees in the middle of the stream arranged by the hands of mother nature also create its great beauty. You won't see any houses and hear any noise except the green nature, mountains, trees and hear the sound of running water. For me, there is nothing like being immersed in nature and breathing in the fresh air on a beautiful day like this to recover from a day's work.






Besides, I believe this is a great place where you can spend time with your friends. In addition to hiking, you can enjoy this cool and clean water at the natural pools created by currents. There are quite a few pools like this here where you can swim or simply take a dip in the water to relax and feel the flow of nature. For the adventurous, there are high cliffs where you can do water jumps. Also, there are a few great spots on the rocks where you can gather with friends for parties by the stream or simply sit back and chat. I think this will be a superb picnic spot on hot days, and it will also be the perfect overnight camping spot so you can fully enjoy the beauty of this place. But please don't leave any trash after you leave, please don't poison this wonderful place. I picked up some trash here on my last trip here. As a photographer, I like to walk along the stream to discover its beauty and surrounding nature.










The Fountain of Youth
While enjoying this stream, I thought of the Fountain of Youth from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Have you seen that movie yet? The Fountain of Youth is a fountain capable of helping anyone to regain their old age and live a long life. Even though I knew it is only something in the movies, this beautiful spring reminded me of it. I can really feel the pure energy from the flow of the water. If we consider the mountains and forests here as the human body, then this stream is the lifeblood of this place. If you have the opportunity to come here, sit down on a rock and try to feel that energy. Maybe it works with you. I'm not sure it can help you to rejuvenate, but I'm sure it can help you heal your inner wounds. Fingers crossed!!!

















Alright, our exploration ends here. I hope you enjoy this place too. Thank you for taking this expedition with me and have a great day!


Congratulations @dodovietnam, you have received a 75% upvote. I'm the Vietnamese Community bot developed by witness @quochuy and powered by community HP delegations

As always! Sharing beautiful places. Not to mention the pictures, they make one teleport there.

Is the water cold? I understand that people can swim if they want to, in my country there are similar places but the water is very cold.

Thank you very much for your visit. The weather is quite hot here, and then it's cool to swim over there.

I love those long exposure waterfall shots!

Thank you very much for your visit friend.

Cuối tuần làm chuyến như này thì giá trị phải biết anh nhỉ ☺️ cộng thêm cái thời tiết dễ chịu này nữa, nghe báo tháng 3 này trời sẽ nắng nhẹ như này, giờ tới cuối tháng làm vài chuyến nữa là hợp lý luôn anh

Uhm thời tiết đẹp này đi hiking thiên nhiên thì quá hợp lý, không quá nóng và cảnh đẹp.

Nhìn những bức ảnh anh chụp mà thấy tươi mát thật sự anh ạ. Công việc rồi cuộc sống nhiều lúc khiến con người mất đi kết nối với thiên nhiên, ai rồi cũng cần những chuyến đi như thế này. Cảm ơn anh dodo đã chia sẻ ạ

Anh nghĩ ai làm gì ở đâu rồi cũng muốn quay trở về thiên nhiên, có thể về cơ bản con người xuất thân từ thiên nhiên e ạ. Chúc e một cuối tuần vui vẻ!

chúc anh cuối tuần vui vẻ luôn ạ

Great that you had some time to go out on the bike and visit this spring.
I did see the movie, and yes… could well be the fountain of youth 😉😁

Great photographs around the river.

Thank you very much for your visit.
The spring is so beautiful that it reminded me of the movie.
Have a good weekend friend!

You are welcome @dodovietnam 😊

Have a good weekend too my friend.

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Awesome waterfalls and water effects

Thank you very much for your visit friend!

đi suối mùa này là nhất á anh, mấy bức ảnh chụp thác trắng xóa quá đẹp

uhm thanks e nhé, nay thời tiết đẹp phù hợp với những chuyến đi như thế này.

Yay! 🤗
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Such a lovely natural getaway. So lush and wild... Love the long exposure effect ;)

@tipu curate

Thank you very much for your great support @phortun.
I love to take photos of water.

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