Radar Peak - A beautiful scenic spot in Da Lat

in Worldmappin2 years ago

In the previous article, I shared about the journey to conquer the peak of Langbiang 2167m. In this mountain, there is another peak, which is Radar Peak 1914m. Radar Peak is also known as Langbiang View Point because from there we can admire the majestic beauty of the surrounding area. Compared to pristine Langbiang peak, Radar peak is popular among people because it is easier to reach. Currently, there is an asphalt route from the gate of Langbiang tourist area to Radar Peak. In addition, people have built restaurants, cafes, homestays and shuttle services by car. So it has become a lot more convenient for people of all ages to go there.

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How to get there?

Although there is a shuttle service from the gate of Langbiang tourist area to Radar Peak and the two-way fare is quite cheap at only about 10$, our group preferred hiking. From Da Lat city center, we drove about 12km by motorbike to Langbiang tourist area, then we parked our motorbikes at the gate and walked up Radar Peak. With a distance of about 4.6km, it took us more than an hour and a half to walk because the road was quite steep. We had to stop for a break a few times along the way.







Even so, the fresh air and beautiful scenery on both sides of the road made us very eager to continue the journey. Da Lat is famous for its green pine forests because of its cold weather. And indeed we were just seeing pine everywhere. Sometimes we also caught some horses grazing leisurely.





What are there?

After more than an hour and a half on the potty, we reached Radar Peak. Different from Langbiang Peak where there are only trees, many restaurants, cafes and homestays have been built at Radar Peak. When we arrived at Langbiang Peak, we were alone there, but at Radar Peak it was more bustling. However, from these two peaks, we both had majestic panoramic views of Lac Duong town and Da Lat city. We went there in the afternoon, the rays of sunlight through the clouds shining down on the Da Nhim River and the surrounding mountains make everything more shimmering.










Relax and find peace

After a long hike, our reward was beautiful scenery, fresh air and peace. Sitting on the swing and looking out into the distance, I felt very refreshed amidst the vast space of clouds, sky, mountains and rivers. It is true that it is always great to see things from a distance and especially from above. In the middle of a large space, I felt so small. While my friend enjoyed playing with the friendly horses there, I as always enjoyed going around taking pictures of that beautiful place. We enjoyed our time there so much that we stayed until late afternoon before heading back down the mountain.






It was an interesting destination. If you have a chance to visit Da Lat, Vietnam, don't miss it. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Have a nice day!

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Hi Do Do. Wow what a beautiful hike. The light was wonderful when you were at the top. That horse looks like a zebra!

Hi Sara, yep we were to have a beautiful weather when we got to the top. And yeah that's a zebra. That was first time I see it in real life.

Lovely hike out into nature, horse with stripes of particular interest resembling the Zebra, perhaps a cross breed?

Nice lighting in your photography and interesting overview of the region!

@tipu curate

Thank you very much for your great support.
Yeah the weather was really nice when we were there.
And I'm not knowledgeable about horse but I think that's a zebra.

Would be interesting to find out, here in South Africa we do have both. Here is a photograph I took when visiting up in the mountains where horses adopted a lone zebra.

Horse is notably taller, although they are very happy sharing. Story went the zebra had been shunned by the family of zebra on neighbouring farm and found it's way to join these horses.

Your images are amazing. Very beautiful place with amazing people too. But it's a bit surprising when someone takes the risk of sitting in the middle of the street, even though it's a bit lonely there. I think it's very dangerous.

Always be careful, we can't predict the situation on a public road, right?

Thank you very much for your visit and warning.
We just wanted to make a funny pic, but yeah we should be always careful when having trips like this. Have a nice day!

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very cool photography, very interesting, love the horses 😍📸

Thank you very much for your visit. I like the horse too.

Excellent photography and I can't wait to see more of your country from a distance.

I've seen a lot of the old videos of Vietnam from the '60s and '70s however getting to see the difference between then and now is pretty astounding.

Thank you very much for your excellent and high quality content! I really appreciate original content creators and their hard work.

Thank you very much from me and puppy dog.


Thank you very much for your visit.
I think the country is totally different from the 60s or 70s.
Hive has given me a chance to share more about my country and learn about interesting countries and people around the world.
I love dogs, and your puppy is cute with his or her tounge. In my experience, he or she is a smart dog.

Thank you very much and yes the world has changed quite a bit.

Hopefully one of these days I might be able to go visit and check out your part of the world.

And my puppy dog is a boy. He is so cute that a lot of people think that he is a girl. Sometimes I tease them about it. Being so cute that others think he is a girl...

He is in between the short stock length coat and the long hair so he's considered a plush. So he will still have the fluffy puppy fur as he gets older.

He's cool. I have two dogs, they are pug, they are much smaller.

All dogs are really cool.

As always showing places with beautiful scenery.

It is worth the effort, it is rewarded with the views that the place has!

Thank you very much for your visit and lovely words.

I want to hold a horse too 🥰 lpve the scenery

Yeah he is very friendly, you can touch him.

Beautiful landscape views! Is Vietnam the birthplace of zebras?
There was such a joke in Soviet times in our country about elephants.

It is dangerous to take photos on such a stretch of highway!

There are many elephants in my hometown but I don't think zebra is from my country.

It was a joke. 😂

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thấy rất nhiều bạn trong hình nhưng hong có bé xiền heo🤣

haha để hôm sau a chụp thêm con heo.

Amazing view with the light in the clouds and nice zebra ;)