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RE: Vineyards and Half Timbers: Gengenbach Germany

in Pinmapple2 years ago

I was about to do a snotty remark with a French accent about German wines but they actually have some decent ones. Of course, their beers recipes are secretly guarded! So, not even a small bottle as a souvenir was purchased?


So, not even a small bottle as a souvenir was purchased?

Not at that location no. We did end up buying two bottles in Freiberg to bring home. We have since drank them both and both were quite good. One was a pinot noir and the other I can't remember.

True about their beer. Especially in Bavaria. Even in Canada they talk about the "Bavarian Purity Act," which supposedly is a rule that beer should only be made with the 4 key ingredients- water, malt, yeast and hops. So the ingredients list is in plain sight but how you put it together - that's the secret lol

THat's exactly what I had in mind, the "Bavarian Purity Act", yeah not so secret come to think of it hahah.