A Visit to Lulworth Cove, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, UK

in Pinmapplelast month

We drove to the Isle of Purbeck, a lovely peninsula located in Dorset, UK, that is surrounded by water on three sides. During our visit, we couldn't resist the opportunity to explore Lulworth Cove, which is known to be one of the best spots in the world to study geology.

We parked up in the little car park and walked down to the cove, passing a few shops and cafes on the way. There were some quaint cottages that were private houses but some were holiday accommodation as well.

The beach was pebbly, but as it was a Friday, hardly anyone was there. I can imagine it to get quite touristy at weekends and school holidays.

There were boat rides for trips along the coast, and someone had done a bit of rock art on the beach.

After some time on the beach, we decided to walk up to the top of the hill to look at the views below.

The incline wasn't as bad as we thought, so we got to the top without any problem. It was worth it as the views were beautiful with the crystal-clear water and the rugged cliffs. The weather was lovely and sunny too.


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The top hill views were something really fantastic. Well, that's an interesting place to pay a visit.

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Thank you. 🙏

Wow what a view, this place looks so relaxing but also give some vibes for a classical thriller village on the sea.

Yes, definitely!

Very nice walk along the cliff. Luckily the wind wasn’t too strong. Love to see this place in rainy storm! Must be quite dramatic.

I don't like heights so I definitely wouldn't go near the edge in high wind. 🙃

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Amazing photography of nature the beautiful view ✨
Keep up the good work 👍🏼

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