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RE: Travel Photo Challenge: Mirrorless DSLR Camera vs Mobile Phone – The Verdict

in Worldmappin2 years ago

I am wondering the same thing the last few months. For sure the phone does the work and it does it with much less fuss and effort. Sometimes it may even be more direct in approaching a scene. And when you look at the pictures on a phone's screen it is hard to tell the difference, especially in wide angle, well-lit scenes.
But I am at an age (I think you too) that I remember photography as something magical, something that involves passion and quality and knowledge. The phone is nothing of that and (for me) will never be.
Of course I am the same man that went out of business when I refused for years to accept that my beloved Hasselblad was dated and I should invest on digital equipment. So I could be wrong again :)


Yes ... I'm at that age :) Developing photos in a darkroom - pure magic indeed and digital photography can never transmit that feeling, ever. At this point I think I just need to use the phone as a tool for specific situation but me as well I think I can't give up my real camera. At least for now. I wish there were more affordable digital backs for large and medium format cameras.