
Yeah, I have also been in some fast stuff, but driving a car with so much racing history in it's tank must have certainly given you a great lift.
Like riding the cheetah after you have beaten him hahaha.

Btw. Here's a cheetah for you that I posted yesterday!


This one looks as worried as the one I'm racing...He can see his fast reputation disappearing in my dust as I race by and win the G-dog/cheetah foot race!

I think that it is the same champion cheetah that you were going to race lol.
He died of anxiety and turned into stone hahaha.
Obviously fear of being ridiculed as the fastest animal on earth by the great G-dog lol.

Lol...Poor bugger, I hope SA has a substitute, I'd hate for all my cheetah racing practice to go to waste!

Okay, I will have a look around to see if I can find a brave one, but I think that the death of the champion has rattled the animal kingdom 🤣