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RE: Old City After My Own Old Heart

in Pinmapple9 months ago

Aww shucks. Blame it on a lot of movies, I guess. Plus a lot of reading in English, that certainly helped. I'd just file certain lines and phrases inside my mind, and built from there. And a skill for foreign languages runs in the family, I suppose.

It's actually interesting, I'll take an old English book that belonged to my mom or aunt, and there'll often be little scraps of papers inside where they'd write down a certain expression and its meaning. It's weird because I take such expressions (and their meanings) for granted, so I guess that really speaks to how much access to language younger generations here have got, eh?



Well that also explains it. If mom and gran were learning it would've faciliated your learning as well. Just by it being familiar.

I think most of learning a new language is really about familiarity and not being embarressed to make mistakes.

Access to everything! Yes!