Visiting an oyster farm and watching the sunset on Quineville Beach, Normandy, France

in Pinmapple10 months ago

We took the Ferry from Portsmouth in England to France today, as we start a two week summer vacation. We are staying in the small seaside town of Quineville in Normandy for the first two nights.


I went for a walk along the beach after dinner. The tide was right out and I spotted an oyster farm in the distance so took a wander down to see it. It was also approaching sunset, so it was a double bonus to see both !


Quineville is on the East side of Normandy, and has a fantastic long sandy beach that goes for miles in both directions. Its also quite shallow, so when the tide goes out, it goes way out.


I've also got a new phone, so it was great to try the camera out properly for the first time (just on auto settings though).


The camera was jumping into sunset mode itself for all of these shots, and it was really making the colours standout quite remarkably in the pictures.


It was actually quite a long walk to the oyster farm, about 1.5 miles. On the way there I found an empty oyster sack washed up on the beach.


The tide was starting to come in as I got to the farm, so I didnt hang around there too long. The oysters are sown into those sacks and put on these 'tables', which keeps them accessible for the farmer. They can then filter feed as they naturally would when they are covered over by the tide.


They are then set out is these long rows running down the beach towards the sea. There was tons of rows, so there must have been thousands of sacks, and millions of oysters !


The sunset was quite amazing the whole time. I was also managing to catch some nice reflections across the wet sand as well. The dark clouds were certainly helping to add some quite dramatic effects !


I passed this marker bouy (above) on the way to the oyster farm. It made for quite a nice 'prop' in this pic !


Its quite a pretty wee town, and we have actually passed through it before and visited the WW2 Normandy beach landings museum which is in the town (the main building you can see above). We'll aim to visit it again in the morning - the history of these beaches is quite impressive.


I was well impressed with the sunset. After travelling all day to get here, it was nice to get out for some fresh air and a nice walk.


I was quite happy with the pics the camera was taking - they were coming out quite nice.


This area is quite famous for its oysters. I dont like seafood at all, so I wont be sampling any while here - but I have to say it was great to get out to see the farm close up !


Well, I really did enjoy my sunset walk along the beach. I'm looking forward to our adventures tomorrow exploring the surrounding area, as we are staying for a further night at the same hotel in Quineville !



Enjoy your trip my friend
@iamraincrystal nominated you for a prize in the draw 😎

Many thanks, we are loving it so far, and many thanks for the nomination - thats awesome !

Enjoy your trip and summer vacation.

Many thanks - its appreciated !!!

Stunning photography. I've never seen an oyster farm before.

Me neither - my first visit to an oyster farm too. But it was cool to be able to walk to it from the village we were staying in !!!
The tide went out even further the next night, so I walked out to see it again !

What a beautiful sunset beach walk, @hoosie! I think your new phone takes glorious photos! That sunset is gorgeous, and the oyster farm is super cool! I've never seen one before! I hope y'all thoroughly enjoy your holiday in France! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Many thanks - totally loving our break here, and the oyster farm was very cool. We also had some oysters for dinner the following evening - my first (and last one) ever ! I dont like seafood. They came from that farm !

Sure thing, you're most welcome, @hoosie! That's really great to hear! Yay! Haha...I understand! While I love fish, I really don't like pretty much any seafoods! That is cool! I've never seen anything like it! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


What did the doctor say about the tall person in a rush to see him?
I wish you were a little patient.

Credit: reddit
@hoosie, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of tydynrain


Thanks for showing us an oyster farm. I love seafoods anyway.

Many thanks - I hate seafood, but I tired one the following night at dinner. Yep - still hate seafood !

It's ok.

What rock band has a huge ghost following?
The Boo Boo Dolls.

Credit: reddit
@hoosie, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of amakauz



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Many thanks it's appreciated

Yah!!! You got a new phone!!!

I dont like seafood at all,

What!! You don't like seafood!!! You don't know what you're missing,they are delicious, especially fresh oysters!! Just thinking about it makes me hungry and it's pass midnight now!!!

Lol. Yes I finally got a new phone, so hopefully these pics are a lot better!

I hate the taste of the majority of seafood, it's just not for me, and trust me, I've tried it all (I grew up in a fishing town).