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RE: Preparations for the Mountain Trail Run In Koh Tao, Thailand

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Hello! Yes, it was the first mountain trail run in Koh Tao. The landscape is nice and good for people looking for challenges!

If Koh Tao is hot for you, I suggest you join the Chiang Mai trail runs as it is in the North of Thailand and it's a bit cool there. I will be joining this coming end of August 2022. Just search for "Ultra-Trail Chaingmai" on facebook for the details. I hope to see you there!

For the hotel, the name is Simple Life Cliff View Resort. I booked them through Agoda. 😊😊😊


Awesome! Thanks, @iammikeeken! 🙏 Chang Mai does sound like a better plan. Though it may take us until next year or the year after to get there!

Simple Life Cliff View Resort looks gorgeous :)